Happy new cycle!

This is the beginning of a new cycle, both in nature and in the consciousness of humanity. It is an auspicious moment to become aware of this window of opportunity. I invite you to use our collective awareness of the present moment to SEE a new dream. 

As individuals, we create a simulation of the world in our minds. This is where we live the environment created by our judgements, our conclusions, and our seeing. We each create our individual dream. 

Yet, collectively, we also create a dream that is communal. History is the unfolding of our collective seeing. We are dreaming the outside works together, just as we dream our own lives. 

This is a moment in time when we have an opportunity to see a new world. Just seeing. That’s all we need to do in this moment. See. 

See the new life. See the new awareness flowing around you. Let the blessing of the divine Aka Dua unfold with it the formation of a new dream, a new hope, and the life we all deserve. 

Happy New Year, dear friend!

As We Improve So Do All Beings Around

It is not easy to discern the nature of the situation. At this point, the coronavirus is mutating—as expected. As humans work to strengthen defenses by internal and external means—enhancing immunological response, masks, regulations, and vaccines—the virus is under pressure to improve its capability of attaching to the body and reproducing itself.

This is common in our symbiotic relationship with microbes. We would not exist without them. Yes, they have created deadly and crippling strands, but also have created variations that have become an intrinsic part of our body and even our DNA. Viral mutations and their access to our DNA code has allowed some of them to become part of the survival tools we have developed; and indeed, part of what has improved our capacity to feel more, to grow in consciousness, and to develop our capacity to evolve.

As we seek to become immune from this virus, there is an intelligence attempting to make the virus better at what it does. It is the same intelligence that allows humans to try to understand and survive. Either the virus gets controlled and rendered innocuous, or it becomes too strong for us—is how most of us tend to think of the road ahead. However, evolutionary ethnohistory teaches us that there are times when the viral entity has become so good as to learn not only to bypass our defenses, but to evolve to the point where it becomes a important collaborative tool for our evolution, increasing thus our intelligence, sensorial acuity, and capacity to face this infinite vastness wherein we thrive.

What is to happen with this one strand? We don’t know, except for one thing. We must do what we have always done: strive beyond the limits of our comfort to understand, to survive, and to keep growing in joy to thrive in the face of any and all adversities. This is what allows all beings around us to also strive to improve.

As we evolve, so do all things around us.

Face this time with courage, therefore, and stay alert. But do not succumb to dread and fear of the unknown. Do not fall into the pit of false knowledge either. Opting to feel the comfort of belief is the hubris of a lazy mind. Know, instead, that we are always facing an endless field of light in infinite extension, unknowable, and in this facing of the mystery of existence we take each step into the unknown with courage, with joy, and with the evolutionary tested strategy of having each other’s back. Thrive in the knowledge that as we get better at what we do, so do all sentient beings.

Missionary Work

Missionary work is one of the main tools used by colonial powers. Sure, you go and get your experiences with native people, and you come back with memories and pictures and all the feel good you brought from your encounter with loving and grateful people. You never get to see the destruction and degradation you left behind, nor the way the colonizers and oppressors will use the tools you left there for them. You can remain blind to the way in which you came to a foreign land to tell them their native ways are wrong, that they need the Bible and you church, that their millenary spiritual ways are wrong. You come with money and charm, and drop a paradigm on them designed to make them abandon their wisdom and ways in favor of your Jesus and your cult. How different it would be if you came here with the simple desire to learn and be a guest, with respect. How different if you didn’t have the putrid desire to change the natives into followers of your ways.

Que Liberen La Niñés

Que vuelva tu risa.
Que tu luz no se apague.
Que se espanten los miedos y te huyan las sombras.
Que tu cama te acoja seca y suave.
Que la loma sostenga tus pasos y te vea correr.
Que la luna no te llame en vano.
Que tu voz ya nunca más resuene en ecos de paredes frías y duras cuando llames a tu mamá.

——- (translation)

May your laughter come back.
May your light not extinguish.
May the fears recoil and the shadows run from you.
May your bed embrace you dry and soft.
May the hill hold your steps and see you run.
May the moon not call you in vain.
May your voice never more resound in echoes of walls, cold and hard, when you call for your mom.


immigrationreform #noconcentrationcamps

LGBTQ Constitutionally Protected, declares the Supreme Court.

After an exhausting week of verbal racist attacks, violent threats, insults, and the daily dose of invitations to go back to where I come from, it was such a beautiful soothing balm to my heart to see this rainbow colored glimmer of hope.

This is a sign post, dear friends. We are walking the good path. Keep going! Keep going!

Never have I seen a sparrow stop in mid flight just after lifting skyward.

Neither shall we stop.

Take a moment to enjoy this brief respite in the storm, and take in the rainbow beauty announcing the world to come.

(Historic ruling: Supreme Court says LBTQ community enjoys constitutional protection against discrimination.)

Defund Now

“Defunding” doesn’t really mean a complete elimination of the police, but a radical reworking of its role and the amount of funding it gets.

The reasons given against this are reminiscent of the reasons empires give against accepting the independence of the colonies: that the savages won’t be able to manage themselves and achieve peace on their own.

Even if that were true, and it’s not, the system as it is—a systemic oppression against minorities—is untenable and inexcusable.

Defund the police. Redefine the role it plays and allocate resources away from violent repression and towards helping the growth of the community.

Ask Yourself Who Is Telling You to not #stayhome

If you are worried that the pandemic is being used to push for a vaccine, or even make one mandatory, then ask yourself why Trump, Fox, and the fake, corporate sponsored, white supremacist conspiracy theorists are all coordinated in trying to make people not observe social distancing.

Why did the governments of so many industrialized countries told their citizens not to pay attention to the scientists?

What is the federal government and white supremacist groups now pushing for a premature lifting of the precautions?

Why now, when the lockdown is succeeding in flattening the curve?

The answer is obvious. They care about money and not people. If there is a sure way to push for a vaccine, it is to make sure as many people as possible die. While they’re at it at it, they make sure enough minorities and elderly people die. They want to contaminate as many as possible. They create division and ignorance on the people through massively distributed disinformation and lies.

The solution, as El Salvador is demonstrating, is not in vaccines. It is in the time proven method of isolation and helping one another. It’s worked before, and is working now. Yes, it has. Only the lack of knowledge of history is allowing these liars to manipulate so many.

At least try to remember this. Trump and the greedy kept telling you to ignore the warnings and recommendations of scientists and epidemiologists. People started dying. When we were succeeding at flattening the curve, Trump and the greedy pushed hard to stop what’s working. When more die, see who gets richer, and who dies.

No, the Slight Disruption of your Privilege is no Police State.

If you have been complaining of the suffering you are enduring because of the lockdown, AND comparing seeing people in masks with a police state and Nazi Germany, this message is for you.

I understand you are suffering because you can’t go to the beach, you can’t get your latte and sit down on your computer, you can’t get your massage, your facial, and go to your yoga class. I understand seeing people in gloves and masks scare you because life is not business a usual. I get it. You are going through a disruption of your routine and you complain. Your friends commiserate and tell you they are with you.

Well, I’ve lived in a police state, under martial law, repression and civil war. I respect the feelings of everyone here for not being able to go to the beach and engage in your favorite form of relaxation. I do. But think again before you compare your plight to nazi Germany, or any other true police state. To be asked to wear a mask and stay semi away for a couple of months (without consequences if you don’t comply) is not the same as running from bullets, being tortured, and seeing your loved one taken in the trunck of a car to be tortured, raped, and dismembered for reading a forbidden book, for attending a rally, or for listening to the wrong guitar player.

I get this is new for you, and that you believe what right wing conspiracy liars are saying (I know you’ll say this is not so and you do your own research and everyone else is sheep and asleep—I know you believe that—but these ideas all were crafted and promoted by right wing white supremacist groups; check it out). Either way, even if you are right about what is happening and this virus that have killed so many is a hoax, you are way far from the suffering of a police state. I know, the suffering of the entitled hurts just as much in their limited experience, but consider the possibility that this is simply you suffering a slight alteration of an otherwise good existence, and don’t compare it to other experiences you haven’t had, not in front of those of us who have.

While we are here clarifying terms, this lockdown is no martial law, and White entitled supremacists in the South having a rally protesting a right they were never deprived of is no brave act of patriotism. Their ignorant disregard for the safety of the vulnerable does not make them freedom fighters.

“But this is not a conspiracy theory, it’s really happening. Our rights will be taken away and we are seeing the beginning of a dystopia,” you say. It’s okay you believe that. I’m just asking you to look again at your actual situation and, if you like, complain and others can commiserate if they want to, but don’t claim your situation is the same as the oppressed minorities in Nazi Germany, or those under a police state. Yes, it can get like that. But you still have no idea how bad it actually has already been for the rest of the world while you enjoy the results of the pillaging and oppression we all have endured for your entitled, myopic, and uncaring life.

Orange Agent’s Total Authority

No worries. This clown’s republican and libertarian supporters will now rise up in arms to defend the constitution, to stand up against a president ready to impose his law on what is constitutionally the purview of the states. Watch.

Any time, now.

Any time.

Is that crickets I hear?

Actually, many conservatives have pushed back, but not those who have been supporting this #shitholetrump. There are honest conservatives who really care about the constitution, and who have not sold their values to this egomaniac, who first delayed the implementation of rational measures along with his allies at Fox and other giant corporations, and not seeks to bring even more deaths by lifting precautions just when they are beginning to work. This criminal behavior has been exacerbated by the Fox/Jones corporate sponsored fake “conspiracy theories” thrown all over the Internet by fascist and neo-nazi groups, pretending they are just concerned people uncovering a plot to make people panic to make vaccines mandatory. Really? And it is these people they support trying to eliminate the non-vaccination strategies that are proven to work. They, along with Trump and his corporate allies, have been trying from the beginning to make the public not care, to make the most populated states suffer more deaths, and now to stop the flattening of the curve just when things are about to work out without tyranny.

Those of you who keep telling me something doesn’t add up. Here is why.


Listen to the Scientists, not the Politicians

When you have all those voices all around playing their narratives over and over, how can we discern truth? Or, if truth is not easily discernible, what is the best strategy to navigate these troubled waters?

First, let’s understand that we find ourself in the middle of a war of ideas, submerged in propaganda from all sides. In addition, we are dealing with situations that are unknown. In this chaotic ocean of opposing views and dark unknowns, we hear all things from “hoard all available toilet paper” and “civilization is about to end” to “nothing is happening, it’s all a hoax.” We hear some saying “it’s less dangerous than the flu, so I’ll just ride it out.” While others plead, “it’s okay for you to not worry, because you are young and strong, but please do not put those of us who are not as healthy at risk.”

Let us, like Socrates, humble our thinking center and accept that we do not know everything about what is going on.

Whether believing that there is a conspiracy somewhere, or that all media manipulates for political or financial reasons, we can see that we won’t know what is going on simply by looking at media.

So, “I only know that I don’t know.” (Plato)

What to do in this situation?

Listen to the scientist, not the politicians.

At the very least, take the precautions scientists are telling to take: wash your hands, avoid large crowds, stay home if you are sick, inform yourself on the symptoms, use a mask if you are sick, and be prepared for a scenario where you have to be at home for two weeks. Outside of that, avoid the panic and remember that whether we know it or not, we are all connected in this eco-village called Planet Earth.