A Doorway to the Higher Dimensions

This, then, is the key to learning to consciously go from the waking to the Dreaming, and indeed to any other plane of existence where we have formed a body:

You must learn to withdraw your attention from one plane and place it on another at will.

If your attention is placed on the external world, on the stimulation coming from your physical senses, then you will withdraw your attention from the inner world of the dreaming. But, if you know that the Dreaming is always there, it is a matter of just moving your attention from the world your senses perceive and placing it on the inner world.

This movement might seem hard to do at first, but it is actually very, very simple and easy. It is so easy that we do it every day and every night. The difficulty is not in withdrawing the senses from one plane and placing it on another, since we do that every day. The difficulty is learning to do it at will. It is a movement, a switch we have been doing automatically, like breathing and the beating of our heart; but just like breathing, we can also decide to do it voluntarily.

You can choose where your attention will be placed.

You can use the Dreaming’s Gate to train yourself to gain mastery of your attention, to access your dream world at will; and later, even, to use this ability to access higher planes of consciousness.

Click here to preorder Dreaming’s Gate on Kindle.

Message me here to order a signed paperback.

A View from a Gnostic Scholar… pt 2

Paul Joseph Rovelli continues his review of The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor:

Here’s the next three chapters, read for my review:

The next three chapters present the Great Magician as the demiurge in ancient Gnostic literature. And while there is commonality between the two, there is also differentiation. Chapter 4 is titled: The Personality and the Essence of Sheep. As any Las Vegas magician will tell you, the success of any trick lies in the magician’s ability to divert your attention away from where the real action is happening. But for the Great Magician, he is telling you that you already have a soul; deceiving you from the Gnostic truth that you must create your soul from one’s essence in its admixture with the physical vehicle. Creating the soul is the key to releasing oneself from the imprisonment of the essence that is said to be trapped in matter. And therefore, like Blavatsky asserts, our immortality is conditional; based upon our ability to complete this task.

Chapter 5 is titled: Enlightenment for Sale! Anyone? This chapter dispels the myths of the New Age and other Theosophical misnomers (existing despite Blavatsky’s input). Karma and Maya are accurately described; probably for the first time in writing, anywhere in contemporary literature. Also, some ideas are presented on AMRIT and what the Koyote calls the “coating”—an idea yet, that needs more explaining. But it seems this coating produces the subtle bodies, and I certainly enjoy the parallels with some of the defining documents of the Gnostic Church of L.V.X. There are also a few ironic parables the clearly drive home an important message.

And in Chapter 6, titled: The Great Magician, he clearly shows this demiurge, functioning as the lord of the Black School of Magick. While I personally find some disagreement with the Koyote’s rendering of the order of the letters of the Tetragrammaton, I agree with his overall point that cultural emphasis has been placed on patriarchal ideals and away from the matriarchy. And I would disagree with the idea that we are essence trapped in matter, as mentioned above, and that indeed, we are essence liberated in matter; that we can produce this soul that the Great Magician fears we can have the power to produce. And the Koyote does come around to pronounce this by stating, “Fortunately, there can also be liberation in a different way [from death]: in self transformation.”

Other brilliant ideas are presented in this chapter; quite consistent with Thelemic doctrine. This liberation in truly only available for the few; warning us that if it should ever become a large movement, the Great Magician would surely cut it down. This is why Liber AL tells us that it is for the few, who will ‘rule over the many and the known.’ Such rule must then be seen as belonging to those who develop their souls to perfection; a rule of awareness. But also, through the institution of war, which closes the chapter, as one learns of Ra-Hoor-Khuit: “I am a god of war and vengeance.” For though the Great Magician uses war to control the masses, the instrument of war also “creates self-identity,” as the Koyote clearly points out.”–Paul is the director of the Gnostic Church of L.V.X.

Click here to get a copy of The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor.

A View From a Gnostic Scholar and Accomplished Magician

Paul Joseph Rovelli, director of the Gnostic Church of L.V.X., analyses the first three chapters of The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor from the perspective of an accomplished, practicing magician and of an erudite gnostic scholar:

“The mythos begins with Chapter One, Something Was Changed; suggesting the transformation of the Soul. The Koyote places himself in a lineage and therefor in time. To do this, the Koyote describes a history of an ancient, matriarchal and originating cultural society, the Toltecs, from which he has traveled over time. His description of the temples and their sacred prostitutes also begins his deliberate correspondence between the Toltec teachings and that of the A.’.A.’.—Mexican and Euro-American Magick. It’s an exciting way to see the 93 Current not only overseeing the Toltec philosophical system, but each alchemically blend into each other.

Chapter Two, The Island of the Tonal, describes the nature of all we know and refers to that as Tonal; suggesting that this is but one world of many possible worlds. This wisdom first comes to us through Carlos Castaneda, though I dare say, the Koyote’s descriptions of the Tonal and the Assemblage Point, reveal so much more about this than Castaneda ever conveyed. We each, actively set up our own Tonal reality that the Koyote present practical instruction for deepening one’s understanding of this. The Face Reading Exercise is a practical way to correlate the Fourth Yod, Intuition, in the Gnostic Church of L.V.X.’s Doctrine of the Four Yods, as presented in our Rosicrucian Mass.

Sleep is your First Tool is the name of Chapter Three. A lot more is given on the Face Reading Exercise that helps one to understand our natural, sleeping state of awareness. This leads one to a greater understanding of the nature of the Tonal by a deep exploration of ourselves and through others, as well. It’s as much an examination of the Jungian shadow. The Koyote goes further to describe the sensitivity of what he calls the machine, and that generates a self-written program for everything that the soul regularly experiences of beingness. He then goes one step further, and declares that the energy employed in being asleep will be used, not only to awake, but to go back and forth between each state, as necessary.

In this same chapter, the Koyote also further describes the three levels of the Western temple, as incorporated into his Toltec vision. And he gives the most articulate description of the magickal powers or Siddhis in the manner they should be properly employed. The levels of Western Initiation are layers of consciousness by which the Koyote seems to have correlated with levels of energy in the Toltec idea of power and hunting power; this being brought into his training, both by his lineal nahual and his teacher at an Abbey of Thelema. This power feeds the virtue of one’s character, as is needed on the various planes of beingness.”

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This Refugee’s Heart Forever Longs

I was a refugee once. I knew nothing of an “American dream,” nor did I seek economic prosperity or opportunities. Nothing about your dollar called me. I came here because the army in my country was getting paid one million dollars by your government to kill people like me.

There are so many of us who came here, not to find a better life, but simply to survive. A better life? For life, period.

The road is dangerous for most. We know it well. You risk aggressions, robbery, rape, and death. You give yourself to the fates, the blessing of the elements, and the hope for the kindness of the brotherhood of humans.

You are grateful when you arrive, but you know the ordeal has just begun.

I was lucky to have been able to prove I was persecuted back home, for being a student of Philosophy, for working for war refugees, for speaking up for justice and a better world. Those were my crimes. That made me dangerous. I considered myself fortunate. I arrived to the US unscathed, and I stayed without once being detained. I went to court, and I was able to prove my case. I was one of less than 2% of Salvadorans granted political asylum. The Reagan administration was adamant to not grant any more than that, lest the public knew what he was really doing to my people. I was lucky. There were so many more more deserving, more in need, and more invisible.

The love for your family forces you to suffer all indignities in a place where you don’t feel alive. Between a cold hell and the fear of death, you take one more step each day towards a future where perhaps your children will feel like they have a place to call home. 

For the love of them you leave the people you love and the land where your spirit thrives. For them you accept as normal a life of racism, police harassment, and the indignities of always being the lesser, the other, the silent forgotten. For the sake of your children you give up even the hope of truly belonging to the society you give your life and work to.

Your mind is forever now on the day to day issues of survival, raising children who forget your language and adopt the manners of the people who won’t ever see you as one of them. Your aspiration is to one day see your children happy. Your mind settles for the hope of one day being normal, but the heart forever longs for that place where you once felt a human being.

Are They Still There?

Today, there is no volcano in my view.
No people.
No path.
No city.
No hum.

Today it’s just the fog
holding and dissolving billions of worlds.
They have become more clear and solid.
They exist within me, and without.

The word showing an external reality is no longer dead.
It’s the gate keeper who is dead.

Who, then, punishes the archangels?
Or do they exist inside me in caravans?
Do they exist in my grandmother’s room,
collecting dust and gathering consciousness of little children?
Does the manticore fly?
Does the unicorn travel on solar paths?

Is the man in the cross still there,
looking at me with those eyes,
asking me if I know that I am there
nailed to the same cross,
to this creation of my mind,
unable to move and going everywhere at once?

The Sweet Fall from Grace

Do I then bring her down through the rushing of light and matter?

Or does she descend like the gentle starlight: flowing down the empty void to fill up this vessel?

Does she descend gently and loving like dew drops, like the high pitched electrical vibration?

Does she come to me as ambrosia, sweet nectar from above touching the tongue, filling the heart with the most sublime, soft, gentle love?

Is it just the mind that sits by the well in the full moon?

Is it just this silly mind of mine, divided between thought and feeling, that sees a difference between the graceful descent of the utterly tasty and satisfying dew of ambrosia and the rushing of the falling from grace?

We Create When We Read Poetry

The writer is an author creating the flow of the speech. However, when we translate a manuscripts from one language to another, we reinvent it. We create it again. Borges explained that the translator of poetry has to be a poet, because when translating poetry, we recreate. We do not just change the words from one language to another, we have to interpret it and reproduce our own version in a different language.

And even when we read the written word we must translate the meaning, and in that we reinvent it, recreate it, give it a form. We can’t help but be the co-authors of everything we read, everything we understand, and everything we perceive.

Unbending Intent for these Teachings

I’ve been receiving some wonderful comments about The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor. Here is one that touches the heart with tender fingers.

“After I removed it from the package I headed into my infants son room to take a quick peak. Brett saw your book in my hand and made a hyper-supersonic crawl to the doorway, stood up and reached for your book. I stepped over the child gate and went to sit down with him, book in hand. He climbed all over me for 15 minutes trying everything in his power to hold on to you book. Finally I placed it down on the carpet, and held it securely against the floor, and he spent the next 5 minutes touching it and trying to pick it up, smiling and laughing, overjoyed. I’ve never seen him act in this manner before with such intensity, and unbending intent, and I take that as a wonderful omen 🙂 I’m looking forward to diving in, if Brett will let me have it to myself. He likes me reading to him, so your book is our next read. Cheers!”–Thor Blethyn

How I Create Myself

Imagine all events of the universe already laid out as a finite multidimensional field. Now, imagine God’s consciousness entering a point in this matrix of events. This point of consciousness now begins to experience events in sequence. The sequence followed becomes experience, and with that comes the concept of time.

With the accumulation of experiences comes a sense of self born out of the memories that I can see behind me. I also sense the field of events around me and ahead of me, not clear to my vision but I sense they exist ahead of me, in my future. When I place my attention on the future, I project what I know onto it. What I know is born out of my past. This is how I create my sense of past and future.

Now, when I turn my attention to my past, I have to choose what events I remember and which ones I emphasize. I tell a story to myself about my passage, and the way in which I tell this story determines what I leave out and what I underline. I can only do this story telling from the perspective of an author.

I am the author. But I am not a fixed, limited author. I am creating myself each time I see my past, and every time I project my story onto a future. I create myself according to the story I weave, and I weave my story out of the material at hand (i.e., the memories available to me).

So, my sense of self is created not only from the passage of memories, but also from how I weave these memories and how I project them onto the field of possible futures.

Spiritual Technologies (a new series of books offered in Amazon)

Tantra, Nahualismo, and Magick are all systems of liberation and attainment, used for the awakening of the individual and for the evolution of humanity.

Each system has developed many technologies designed to change and fine-tune the human nervous system, psychic bodies, and soul in order to be able to remember our divine origin, to host the supreme consciousness, and to have the power and ability to transform this world into the manifested body of the supreme consciousness.

I am going to release a series of books, each one presenting and examining a specific spiritual technology from one of my three lineages: Tantra, Nahualismo, and Magick. Some of these technologies have been created by me, and others have been passed down from teacher to student by my lineage.

With each book, you will learn a single technique useful your own spiritual path. They are meant to be useful to you regardless of your path or background. They are meant for all the people, and not restricted to any religion, lineage, culture, or race. Also, each book of the spiritual technologies series will be ready to be used, and does not presuppose that you have any kind of previous knowledge or ability. Each one is useful on its own, and it can be practiced without having to get other books.

Other books I have published, and some yet to be released, might deal with more complete systems of attainment or deal with complex topics. The Spiritual Technologies series, however, is meant for books dedicated to a single technique or artifact.

The first book on the Spiritual Technologies series will be released on July 2nd of 2019. The first book is:

Dreaming’s Gate

I trained with a Yaqui-Lacandon Nahual, Teczaqui Güitame Kachora, in the 1990’s. He provided me with a geometric symbol used in our lineage to train the dreamer to move between the worlds, to master the Dreaming, and to gain access to the higher dimensions of existence. I am providing this sacred gift to you, so that you may also gain mastery of your perception and attain the freedom to move about this universe as you will.

You can download and print a free copy of the Dreaming’s Gate image itself on my website: https://www.koyotetheblind.com/dreamingsgate.

This tool will train different parts of your psyche, your attention, and your dream-self. The first part of the training consists of training the attention to switch from the outer to the inner and to keep it where you want it to stay.

The book will contain a copy of the image given to me by Kachora, and it has clear and easy to follow instructions for working with it. In addition, I will include other instructions you can use to develop your second attention, trigger lucid dreaming, and train your psychic body to become aware of the invisible world around you.

Finally, half of the profits from this book will be donated to Kachora and the Kumiai community that hosts his sacred dance in Tecate, Mexico.

The other half of the profits will be donated towards the maintenance of the Medicine Wheel.

You can preorder the kindle version of Dreaming’s Gate here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TBBS5SW/

You can also obtain a physical, signed copy of this book for $20 + $3 S/H (+$15 for international orders).

Click here to preorder the Kindle version of Dreaming’s Gate: $5.99

Click here to preorder a signed paperback version: $20 + $3 S/H

Click here to preorder a signed book from outside the USA: $20 + $15 S/H

NOTE: if you have signed up for my mail list, you already have an electronic version of this book. The Kindle and paperback version will have more exercises used in my Dream Intensives and other workshops. It will continue to be available for free for my email subscribers.