Unperturbed, I hold the Sun.

There is no mountain that can take me to the Sun.
No ladder tall enough.
There is no tree tall enough to burn its crown on the solar sphere.
Yet, just like the Sun seems to travel across the heavens,
unperturbed and untouched by clouds,
or planetary event;
so my true self moves across the surface of life,
unperturbed by all that happens,
undisturbed by the sufferings and joys
witnessed by the mind, felt by the body, and held by this heart.

There is a time and a place for a teaching

“The Toltecs try to not to talk about things that are not pertinent and useful in the moment. There must be a purpose for the speech. There are things that are only revealed in specific states of consciousness by the teacher. That is because the intent of the teacher is to produce a transformation, and transformation happens in a particular state of consciousness, and only in the propitious environment. So, information is shared only in the state of consciousness, and in the environment, where the information can act as a trigger or a catalyst of transformation.”

(Excerpt from Teachings of a Toltec Survivor)

Pre-Order Teachings of a Toltec Survivor, 2nd Edition

By popular demand, “Teachings of a Toltec Survivor”, 2nd Edition, is now being released!

It is coming out at the end of April, 2019, exactly 12 years after the Toltec esoteric course took place, the source material for this book.

The book has been out of print for many years, and will now be released with additional material and a delivery designed to put you right in front of Koyote, and experience the teachings of the Toltecs directly. Each chapter of the book corresponds to one lecture delivered to a group of about 40 participants.

This edition maintains the material presented in class, but delivers it in a powerfully experiential way, easy to follow, and full of humor and wisdom—the hallmarks of Koyote.

This is truly an artifact that carries the teachings as they took place, allowing the reader to benefit not only from the information presented—a rare treasure in itself—but also by allowing the magic of the moment to have a powerful effect on the reader, as if they had been present in the chamber.

Order your copy here

Be part of the magical chamber of the Toltec teachings.
