Happy Anniversary for the Ox and None Clerk-House of the A.’.A.’.

Nine years ago, on October 22, 2010, I established the Ox and None Clerk-House dedicated to the service of the sempiternal A.’.A.’. and to the evolution of humanity.

A reader asked, “what exactly is a Clerk House?”

Traditionally, a “clerk house” is a store front or public face of a temple, an abbey, or an esoteric school. It is the administrative center of the operations of the school with the outside world. This is the meaning of the term since the middle ages across different spiritual traditions. From this Clerk-House, the spiritual school and abbey would be coordinating and administering both the dealings with the community and the teaching curriculum for the spiritual aspirants training at the school. The external function of this Clerk-House would be to administer both the business dealings with the community that would allow the school to survive and operate, and the actions performed to serve the outside community. So, it would be in this Clerk-House that all the accounting, inventory, paperwork, and student documents would be kept.

Chapter III, verse 41, of Liber Al vel Legis says: “Establish at thy Kaaba a clerk-house: all must be done well and with business way.”

Crowley often thought of the Kaaba in the religious context of Islam. The word “Kaaba” means “cube”, and it is the center stone around which the temple is built. Crowley wanted Thelemites to think of his house by Loch Ness, Boleskine, their religion’s Kaaba. He wanted Boleskine to be to Thelemites as Mecca is to Islam. However, initiates of the A.’.A.’. understand that vertical initiatory work is internal. In this light, the verse above is interpreted in the context of the first main task of the Order: to raise your kundalini and consciousness to the center of your Ruach, your mind, and from there enter into conscious communication with the Star, which is your true Self and whose orbit is your Will.

In this light, we understand the Kaaba to be the cube at the center of your being, or the sacred magical altar around which you will construct the temple of God out of your own self, your life, your consciousness, and your body. This Kaaba is the most intimate and secret center of every person, and there we build a house where we will pray and commune with God, “a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”

It is, therefore, in the Lover’s grade that we attempt to balance the forces and powers of the Ruach, reconciling all opposites and putting the ego under control, in order to establish a firm connection with our true Self, and from there engage in conscious communication with our Higher Self of Genius. There, under that guidance, we then proceed to next phase of the Great Work which is the manifestation of your pure will in your life.

In this initiatory blue print, to “Establish at thy Kaaba a Clerk-House”, means to set up an administrative center, a store front, at the center of your sacred cube. This sets the Clerk-House for the Adept with a dual function, as every thing in the Ruach is subject to this duality: one inner, and one outer. The administrative function of the Clerk-House in the inner sense has to do with the ordering, balancing, and administration of the different parts of the Ruach. For the Adept, this means the reconciliation of all opposites and the mastery of all aspects of the mind, constantly endeavoring to bring all the elements of the lower and higher self to a state of balance and under the direction of the center, the Sun in Tiphareth, the True Self. This is the first part of the work of an Adept. It is secret and internal. This is “putting your house in order”, as Gurdjieff put it. With the house in order, the Master of the House comes. This is when we attempt to contact the Holy Guardian Angel in a conscious manner, and then establish the methods and conditions for such a communication to continue, acquiring a trusting and reliable source of teachings, guidance, and communion with the most sacred. This is why, in the Lover’s degree, and Adept who has made this contact no longer needs an external teacher, since she has already established a connection to the true Teacher, the real Guru who is a messenger of the sempiternal A.’.A.’. above the Abyss. From then on, your guidance is internal, and from there you derive your teachings, your gnosis, and your magick.

The second part of the task of an Adept is to establish this Clerk-House in the outer, in the world. This is done under the guidance of the Holy Guardian Angel. If the first part of the task was about finding the laws of your Star and entering into conscious contact with it, the second part is about manifesting those laws in your sphere of influence, in your world. This is part of the meaning behind “thy Kindom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” In this phase of the Adept’s work, the task is to manifest the Clerk-House in the world. Each Clerk-House will be different, since each one is a manifestation of the innermost will of the Adept. This part of the task can take many years, or even a life time.

The Ox and None Clerk-House was officially established five years ago, and continues to orbit around the Star which gives its Light, Life, Love, and Liberty from the inner to the outer. As an outer expression of its Kaaba, the Ox and None Clerk-House administers and operates the training of its students, working as an abbey or esoteric school traditionally represented by a beehive. This image illustrates the manner of work and service taught to every student. We research and teach through different traditions from around the world, and many of our students are inheritors and initiates of different traditions, each one contributing to the understanding, the practices, and the technologies employed in our Clerk-House.

To sustain the efforts of the School, we produce works of art, books, street and stage performances, car washes, seminars and workshops.

To service the community, we bring to the community, free of charge, training in arts and craft, the sacred art of The Telling, free weekly lectures and teachings, sweat lodges and vision quests, dream circles, healing, cine forums, and readings for the dying. All of these are given as an offering to everyone. Other ways of service are in the planning stage.

In this time, we have trained hundreds of practitioners on the Aka Dua, and raised four adepts to Level V: Sharla Sanchez of The Dreamers’ Den, Dr. Arlan Cage of the Aka Dua Institute of Energy Healing, Phyllis Douglass of Integrated Mind-Body Therapies, and Pilar Gamboa of Xicoco Shamanic Arts.

One school of Toltec teachings has been established in Mount Shasta, under the leadership of Golden Eagle. One Clerk-Hose has been established in the inner plane, the Silence and Strength Clerk-House (more on this soon).

Finally, the Medicine Wheel is being rebuilt at a permanent site for meditation and prayer, open to everyone.

The training itself is also free, but the student body is at maximum capacity at this time. The training is very engaging, committed, and exacting. At this point, we cannot accept new applicants, but everyone is welcome to participate in our weekly lectures, cine forums, and all the other community events we offer. If you live far from Riverside, our lectures and cine forums are broadcasted live on LiveStream, in the Koyote The Blind channel.

This is a very dynamic community of practitioners and students. It won’t be long until other students will open their own clerk houses and thus open the doors of the teaching to a wider circle, each one attracting very different people because everyone is learning to connect with their own Star and evolve their own life into a unique source of service to humanity.

Much has been accomplished in these first none years of the Clerk House, and in the 11 years of service of the School as the Xicoco Shamanic Arts. Tonight, we drink and celebrate for all my relations, and for the benefit of All Beings Everywhere!

There Will Be Wine

The sacred goes where it wants to go.
Who is anyone to try to contain it
as if it were an object?

It doesn’t belong to the prophets.
No one owns what is of the gods.
I can do things
with the teachings,
with the work
that are wrong.
And that is on me.

The punishment
is that my child is slain:
the legacy,
the work,
the lineage vanishes and disappears.

Success is thy proof.

Whatever the others say about you
your techniques,
your beliefs,
your ideas,
your heresies…

The only thing that counts is success,
because it is in the hands of the gods.
If the gods look favorably on your results,
then that will survive.
If they don’t like what you present,
it will die.

We are divine.
That sacred juice flows through us.
Our product is that grape that will become wine.
But it’s not up to us what fruit will become wine.
It’s up to the gardener.

The gardener picks
the grapes that will become wine
and the ones that will not.

It’s not up to me
what my work will produce.
All I can do is produce.
If I’m right,
there will be wine.

(Poetically edited notes by Season Cole, from a talk by The Telling by Koyote the Blind)

These Were the Times

These were the times of heresy and discovery.

These were the days Ivan (first from the right) introduced me to a Rosicrucian Order, and challenged my faith and dogma.

These were the days our maid took me to gnostic masses and challenged me to see my privilege.

These were the days of attempting to extract nutrient from flowers to feed the hungry, of seeing specters appear and glide, of exploring abandoned scientific instruments in a University closed by the army.

These were the days before the girlfriends and the bullets, before the depression and suicidal thoughts. These were the days before the hanging by my ankles over a four story building to make me panic. These were the days before the finding of my true strength.

These were my Zacamil days, when that funny looking boy, second from the right, saw the world open up and the storm of time showed him infinity and the eternal power of not being.

Was I ever truly him? How did he know to survive by becoming me?

Can Your World Survive the Times to Come?

What planet can survive the core of a star?

Imagine a planet made of solid brass or lead, heavy and strong, in it’s immovable orbit towards the sun. At first, before it enters the limits of Pluto, this planet will be cold, frozen, heavy, strong. It would be the hardest thing that you would ever see.

As it begins to come closer to the Sun, it begins to reflect the light of the Sun shining bright as if it were made of gold––but it’s not. It is just solid metal, still cold, but as it gets closer and closer by the time it passes Venus and Mercury it begins to heat up. It is still solid, but hot.

There will be a moment when one side is hot and one side is cold, and then there will be another moment when all of it is lit with heat. And then, that planet that was once so solid, as it enters the threshold of the sphere of the Sun, it begins to liquify. What was once solid is now liquid, and then it becomes gaseous, and then it’s completely gone.

Now there is no more planet. It’s just the sun, exactly as it was before.

So it is with the birth of this new consciousness that the human being is trying to birth. All the old worlds are melting away. They’re all gone. And if your identity and your sense of safety is placed on any old world, it will melt. Only by aligning your awareness to the awareness of the New Sun can you forge a new identity; only then can you forge the type of consciousness that can carry such an awareness, and you become a little bit like that Sun dying and birthing at the same time––not in the Christian sense where you die to the world to be reborn later. It’s more like the star who is, or like a flame who at the same time that it is alive and illuminated, it is also consuming itself.

That is what the Sun is doing. It is consuming itself, and giving itself to all around. Align your consciousness to the reality of the New Sun and then you will be as a reflection of this New Sun: evernew, everdying and of irrevocable intent.

The Birth of a Star Consumes the Worlds

At the present time in history, we are facing a singularity. The timelines of parallel universes, separated before, are now intertwining more and more, making us more and more aware that all things seem to be happening all at once.

So, all ideas are here, and all events are here, and all processes are here. The past and the future are just a matter of geography and directionality of consciousness. Parallel lives are becoming more and more accessible whether you realize it or not.

The stronger the center of gravity of your attention, the more access you have to all of them. Which is to say, the greater your personal power is, the more access you have to your own timelines and to past and present lives.

A threshold has been crossed by humanity, and what we are experiencing now is the moment when a star begins to try to either go completely within or to completely explode. We are in the pivot of that balance. We are living in a historical moment critical for humanity.

We are at the point where we either destroy planetary life––and the consciousness that is forming here would then send itself off to another planetary formation––or it can continue to withstand this pressure, this continuous influx of information and continuous desire for liberation.

Those are the two forces at play. One is trying to become more aware and tolerate more, and the other is trying to bring everything back to a familiar place of lower energy. Something in the depth of humanity’s consciousness is seeking to become a cosmic body. Something is being birthed as a star.

This is the fifth Sun.

The real human being is really the Sun as it walks on the Earth illuminating the dark night of the soul.

The birth of humanity as the solar consciousness is an event waiting to happen. But when it happens, it will be happening throughout all the lifetimes. It is already affecting the remote past of our history and the future towards we’re all going.

To witness this moment, the end of history, all the eyes of the masters and the angels, the Gods and the forces of creation, are attentively watching.

This moment is what we have been witnessing and will continue to witness; and unable to withstand so much information, we will continue to feel overwhelmed with too much. Too much of this, too much of that. Too much information. Because all the forms that we have created to contain the infinite eternal radiance of the Sun will no longer hold.

All the religions that you built and all the sciences and all the ideas, and even all the stories that you created since the beginning of humanity, are not going to be able anymore to give us a sense of safety and security, no longer will they be able to make us feel like we already understand the world. Because now, as soon as you accept one form of the world, the tides of reality come crushing in destroying all forms, dissolving all attempts to create a solid understanding of reality.

We Are About to Create a New Star

All of creation, during the life cycle of the universe, is counting on the moment when we can have the human being experiencing life in a planet; because it is here, in the center of the experience of the human being, that the new generation of solar consciousness can be born.

It is not born yet, but it can be born here in the world that we have created. In this human world, we are experiencing something of what the stars experience within their core. We are experiencing that not as the stars experienced it, with the influx of matter that would make them denser and stronger and therefore have us give more light.

It is happening with another type of vibration. It’s not molecular, but informational density. It is with the conglomerate of experiences––the clusters of ideas, thoughts, and information––that make it seem like more and more is happening.

Timelines are being fused together and happening at the same time. A barrier was broken a few years ago and we have entered the moment of singularity in our timelines. The timelines were more strictly separated before.

We are currently experiencing an acceleration of density of experience, like too much is happening too soon. We are experiencing an acceleration of karmic flow, and therefore we feel an overload of information.

This experiential density will result either in a shutting down of awareness and a condensation of the mind, or we will evolve into a system capable of handling more information, more intelligence, and a wider concept of what we are.

In other words, at this point in history we will either condense into a solidification of small groups firmly trapped in their own singularity of experience, or we will increase the ability of the human being to perceive, to witness, and to become.

We are experiencing the state of matter before it forms a star, and we are experiencing this not at the level of physical matter, but at the level of the Tonal, the collective dream we are forming as a species and manifesting in history. Through history, we have crated the possibility of giving birth to a new star, not in outer space, but within the realm of the human mind.

The Tiger-Sheep and the Nature of the Teachings

A tiger cub found itself alone in the world as soon as he was born. His mother was killed by a hunter at the exact moment she was giving birth. The hunter took his pictures, with his foot on her body, wide smile holding the phallic crutch he calls his gun. He shares the picture and tales of his conquest and fake bravery, seeking somehow to steal the fierce nobility of the tigress by imbuing her blood on his pictures, trophies, and tales.

In the meantime, the little cub was left behind to die. He survived, though, when a young shepherd girl, passing by with her flock, saw the cub, and filled with compassion for the dying child took it with her to raise.

The cub was raised among the sheep, and since sheep was all the shepherd girl new, she treated the cub as a sheep. All the cub saw around him was sheep. All he heard was bleats. He learned to walk, eat, and bleat like a sheep. He thought himself a sheep, and seeing only sheep around, he never suspected he was anything other than sheep. All the sheep, too, learned to see him as one of their own. He behaved like sheep and bleated, so they responded to him as they did to each other.

So the tiger cub grew up, obviously different from his flock in appearance, but internally he saw himself as just one of them.

One day, a wild tiger approached the camp, hunting. He was about to pounce on his target, when he spotted the young tiger running away scared like the rest of the flock. Puzzled, he let his prey aside and pursued the young tiger until he caught up with him. The young tiger bleated, scared for his life.

The old tiger grabbed the tiger-sheep by the back of the neck and dragged him away. The tiger-sheep bleated in panic and pain, scared for his life. The old tiger brought his prey to the side of a river, and forced him to look at his reflection for the first time.

“Look,” he commanded, “you are like me, not like them!”

The young tiger-sheep was in shock at the revelation, but all he could do was bleat. The old tiger forced some meat on the young tiger-sheep. It was an unpleasant and terrifying experience, and he vomited the meat in horror.

In time, however, he learned to like the smell and taste of blood, and the meat was strength and force in his body.

So it’s shown the truth of the teachings, that its strength seeks to be stolen by the hunter and never realized, thwarted and hidden by congregations and good intentions, and revealed only by the clear example of He who is a mirror of the deepest Self.

The Formation of a Soul in The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor

What is the message of The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor? The Gnostic Church of L.V.X. offers a clear perspective on this question. The alchemical formation of a soul as a central point of the esoteric teachings, much neglected by most modern currents, begins to be addressed in chapter 4. This point is further elucidated in the next chapter, which we will address on Thursday, August 15, 2019 during our live class discussion.

Here is the analysis from the Gnostic Church of L.V.X.:

The central teaching of this chapter is as much the central teaching of this book. And if I dare be critical, this is covered in subtext throughout the book, but really needs to be brought out; not just in the future writings of the Koyote, but in the ideas of the spiritual community, as a whole. And in the latter, it is almost completely non-existent.

The Theosophists once spoke of it and the GD and Thelemic/Rosicrucian communities have all but completely ignored it. And that idea is simply that immortality is conditional and not an integral part of your being by right of birth.

The most marvelous quote for the central teaching in this book is: “You came in as an essence. I do not call it a soul because one of the great lies that was told is that you already have a soul. Religions run by the Great Magician, do not want you to make any efforts to make a soul. They want you to be a prisoner. If you believe you already have a soul, you will note make the necessary efforts to create one.”

Indeed modern Christianity has stopped recognizing any difference between your spirit and your soul. And Aleister Crowley, who seems to recognize the importance of creating this soul, merely pays a passing homage to it, by saying in his main theoretical book on Magick that one has to create the ‘body of light.’

Even worse, these New Age groups; themselves, descendants of the foul betrayal that came to Blavatsky’s Theosophical movement, constantly preach that you have to give up your ego (soul…ego sitting at the center of the Ruach) in order to get to that essence, where they correctly assert you are already immortal. But it’s not the immortality of the created soul and the evolved individual. For any evolved individual, these pseudo-Theosophical teachings are the teachings of death; fully condoned by the Great Magician––Gnostic Church of L.V.X.

Watch the class discussion of Chapter 4 here: https://youtu.be/7Wy4oCBHv9M

To purchase The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor, click here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RMK9D4C/

Lightning in My Head

In the midst of a massacre, we were laying down at Hell’s gate, waiting for death.

Looking up, I saw a peaceful blue sky far above us. My ankle was throbbing from a shot wound, right where an asp had bit me in a dream days earlier.

Like lightning inside the head, the realization that all states are already in me struck.

This bolt of light showed me the opening across the dream beyond which lies the path of mastery of perception.

Sharing my Inner Space/ 32 years of Art (a book review)

I have read Martivón Galindo’s Sharing My Inner Space, and I realize now that with every painting and every poem she has been marking a special space in the journey that so many of us undertook back in the 80’s, when the Salvadoran diaspora uprooted us from the place where we wanted to live, love, die, and create. We left because we had to, away from decades of war and oppression, and everywhere we went we kept looking hard inside the most recondite corners of the heart for that something we brought with us, to make a life and create art, and to find ourselves even in places that forever made us feel strangers.

In this book, Martivón gifts us with a tremendous experience through the use of poetry, print, and painting. It is a powerful storm that penetrates your consciousness under the command of an accomplished artist who has dived into the depths of her soul, and confronting the turbulent history of war, exile, emerges in ultimate triumph a master of her perceptions. She takes us through her encounter with exile, an event that shaped an entire generation of Salvadorans, but she does more than make us look at the world, she takes us with her as the seed of her soul emerges from that encounter triumphant, and continues to create and define her artistic world.

Martivón is not content with showing us her skill and creativity. She shares with us that most intimate process of her genius: the process she has gone through as she discovers her true self. We witness this discovery when she manages to put in word and image the creative powers of a soul that is always seeking justice and always burning bright with the wild fire of truth.

Porque lo invisible es el misterio
encerrado en la lágrima de una estrella
Ayer como hace treinta años
busco lo que no está
para encontrar mi luz
mi propia sombra
en el invisible gran universo de lo posible––Martivon (pg. 160)

Every great artist has an inner process through which her silent, intimate center faces the vast expanse of the unknown, and every one of them produce art that touches in us that most intimate abode. Their art awakens somehow our own truth. Martivón’s art does that for us, of course, but she takes a step further. Sharing My Inner Space is a living document showing that invisible inner process through which her genius emerges.

Witnessing this book is a most enjoyable experience. I promise you, the core of your perception will be touched by it, and you will find yourself on a journey through your own inner space. I recommend this book unreservedly.