
I hope you are doing well! The day of the Microdosing Workshop is coming fast, and we can all feel it already here at Xicoco!

I thought I’d send a final reminder and share a glimpse of what awaits you in this transformative experience.

Microdosing Workshop Highlights:

  • Foundations of Microdosing: How neuroplasticity helps in the management of mood, mental health, and emotional balance. We will explore how subtle doses can influence creativity, focus, and emotional well-being in your daily life.
  • Sacred Teonanacatl: approach the sacred mushroom as one comes to an elder, a teacher, a sacred being. We will explore ways in which microdosing can serve as a pathway to connect with its cosmic intelligence.
  • Intentions and Mindful Practices:Gain insights into setting intentions and creating a sacred space for your microdosing journey, fostering a respectful and mindful connection with the Teonanacatl.

What you can expect from applying the techniques presented in this workshop:

  • Heightened Awareness: Experience enhanced sensory perception and increased mindfulness, contributing to a deeper connection with yourself and your surroundings.
  • Emotional Resilience: Discover how microdosing can positively impact your emotional well-being, promoting stress reduction and emotional resilience.
  • Spiritual Growth: Approach microdosing as a tool for spiritual exploration, paving the way for personal growth and self-discovery.
  • Responsible Use: Explore guidelines for the responsible and mindful use of microdosing, ensuring a safe and enriching experience.
  • Integration Practices: Learn how to integrate the lessons and insights gained from microdosing into your daily life, fostering a holistic and transformative journey.

This workshop is a unique opportunity to go on a journey of self-discovery and cosmic connection. I hope you can join us for this enlightening experience.

Should you have any last-minute questions or require additional information, feel free to reach out.

To sign up, click on the following link. You can attend online out in person. The workshop is from 9 to Noon, California time. It will be recorded and you can access it any time after that, so you don’t have to worry you’ll miss anything if you can’t make it at that time.


Mastering the Game of Life

Life can be approached in so many ways. Some see it as a source of suffering; others, as an unending struggle to survive. Some see it as an adventure, where there is always something new and mysterious to explore. Yet others see life as a school where you come to learn and have experiences that will ultimately mature your soul. We can see life as a boring sequence of ordinary events, where the only wonderful things seem to happen to others and never to us. We can also see life as this dangerous place, where we have to look over our shoulders because danger is everywhere, and where you can’t trust anyone. We can see life as a competition where the aim is to accumulate more, like the bumper stickers of the 80’s that read: “Whomever dies with the most toys, wins.”

When I see all these approaches, I see one thing in common. We can see life in any of these ways, and each of these ways will determine how we behave, what we believe, and what we manifest around us. In all these cases, knowingly or not, we are living a life as a game. A game has many different quests, threats, opportunities, and rewards. If we see life as a game, we immediately open ourselves to experience and understand what is happening to us, and even who we are, from different perspectives.

I have created a course, called Mastering the Game of Life.

It is about switching our perspective and learn to think as someone who is playing a very intricate game, but which can actually be mastered. I teach in this course how to identify the plot and characters we are playing, and how to chose the type of game we will play.

We will also explore how to develop the skills necessary, and how to identify the challenges ahead. All of this to have a high chance of prosperity, enjoyment, and mastery over the story line of our characters.

In Mastering the Game of Life, you will be able to identify a higher purpose, which implies getting to know the strengths that will bring about true fulfillment, the plenitude of becoming! By knowing why we incarnated, we can know the true force behind our existence, and how to get the forces that rule the universe to work for us, to help us achieve a life of great success and joy.

If this seems at all interesting or useful to you, or if you want to be able to take control of how this life unfolds for you, click the following link and find out more about the course. It is coming up in February.  

Mastering the Game of Life

With an overabundance of Love,

Ps. If the link doesn’t seem to be working for some reason, copy the following link on your browser:

Everyday Sorcery for the Closet Magician

Magick is often conceived as either the superstitious tools of the uninformed, or else as the inaccessible obscure disciplines of secret cabals.

There are, however, powerful strategies and dynamic principles that are easily accessible to everyone capable of awakening the latent powers of our being, and of giving access to the magical forces inherent in nature.

It is true that to obtain mastery in magick and mysticism, a great deal of effort, study, and ordeals are necessary. To truly walk the path of the shaman, the brujo, the magus and the Nahual, a lifelong dedication is necessary where every drop of blood is poured in service to this science and art of transformation.

But just like technology springs from science to bring its benefits to all humanity, so do the principles of magick described in this class become accessible to everyone.

This class, Everyday Sorcery for the Closet Magician, is designed to awaken in you latent powers, and to sharpen the mystical tools you already have.

It is, however, not a class based on superstitious tactics created by misunderstandings and mistaken principles propagated by the untrained. No. Every Day Sorcery is a collection of tools and principles that are accessible to all of us without specialized training, but it is not for those that just want a quick and lazy way to get money, fame, revenge, or any other of the 10,000 seductions of the dream of life. It is a class truly for the Closet Magician: that powerful part of us that is connected to the universal powers of creation, the one who remembers our divine origin.

Everyday Sorcery for the Closet Magician will be offered for only $21 dollars. But for you, it is completely free. I am sending it to you just for being part of my mail list.

Click here to access the free class, Everyday Sorcery for the Closet Magician.

Let me know what you think!


Ps, in case the links above don’t work, type the link into your browser: https://koyote.podia.com/everyday-sorcery-for-the-closet-magician

By the Road’s End

Emptiness pouring itself into emptiness. Light merging with light. Darkness hiding behind darkness.

Nothing is, nothing will be, and no thing ever was.

All witnessing is just the intersection of these gentle soft strings; it’s just the interplay of word over vibration creating the illusion of continuity, creating the sensation of tapestry and feel.

In the intersection of light and dark, there by the Road’s End, the weaver weaves. The hands create tales and sights untold: untruthful, meaningless, fathomless, groundless.

There by the Road’s End, where the ways intersect, you can almost hear the weird sound of the ticking and tapping of the Kindly Ladies weaving your life, ending your life.

All that begins one day comes to an end, there by the Road’s End.

The Roaring of Her Voice

As I sat there listening to the roaring of her voice, knowing that behind me there was a jungle of life, and in front of me an ocean of time,

I could see the immensity in front of me; and behind me, the void. Everything and nothing behind me––just empty space. All that there was, was the ocean before me. All I could hear were her stories, but the stories kept coming one after the other. The images of origins and endings, beginnings and nevermores were here inside me and outside of me, and as the ocean was inside my mind, bursting it open, I couldn’t tell the difference between the ocean in me and the ocean outside.

I had no idea where I was. I had no idea what I was hearing. Voices came and went until every word, and every concept, and every memory lost any proportion and meaning. It was just sounds until no longer could I remember who or what I was, what I was hearing, what was she saying––only that reverberation that was felt through skin and spine, only the wailing until nothing else could be had, until that point of reference which is I was barely there.

Yeah. There I was, just a point of view, barely there. I, perceiving the ocean, hearing the stories. The almost I. The barely I. The uncreated. The eternal. That nothing that was not absent. That point which was ceasing to be. Unmanifested. Uncreated.

Something sat, maybe. I cannot really tell you for I did not see it sitting. There was an immensity, I believe so now. I can’t really say. For compared to what could that be an immensity?

There was a vastness that came and went that would give me moments of reprieve, when I could collect myself and think maybe enough to know myself as the teller of stories, as the thinker of thoughts, as the one who yearns for the kiss of that vastness whence I came.

I could never have enough time to consolidate this long enough before she would take me again, before my point of view would change to being a vast something that had existed from the beginning of time and will continue to exist until the end of time when the last flame in the last star goes off.

This Impulse to Know

My mother ocean, maybe she’s hoping one day to have swelled so much that one tip of her womb would breach the infinite ocean above and become one.

One with what? It does not know. It only knows that one day long, long ago it must have come down from that big, big, big heaven. One day it, the ocean, was only a drop that came down from that roaring, infinite vastness of which the sun and the moon are just two tiny creatures that play with her, that penetrate and pull her, making her give birth over and over again.

One day––and this is for sure to happen one day––she will also die and become one once again with the oceans whence she came. Then she will forget herself as the waters above swallow her whole, and her consciousness and vision become stretched way beyond her capacity to know, to think, to remember, and to be.

And so, every star, and every galaxy, and every God one day too will dissolve into the vast, vast ocean-void whence they came.

That part I know. That part I remember.

What I don’t know and cannot know is why that vast ocean of mother Binah swells once again and sets me forth into this harsh and vast light. Why again am I down here where I forget, where all I know is to yearn, and to love, and to desire?

Not even having the memory of what it was, I only have the pain of the yearning; and out of my soul, the depth of my being that has no name, no memory, no ego, nothing… but out of the depth of this pain, the memory of my origin pulls me, and the presence of God penetrates me day and night. In thought and in silence it pulls me. And out of me comes, now as a thought, then as a whisper, this little impulse to go back.

Go back… Go back… This impulse… This thing in my heart of hearts that wants to swell up, flutter up, and become and know what is there outside myself.

The Birth of a Star Consumes the Worlds

At the present time in history, we are facing a singularity. The timelines of parallel universes, separated before, are now intertwining more and more, making us more and more aware that all things seem to be happening all at once.

So, all ideas are here, and all events are here, and all processes are here. The past and the future are just a matter of geography and directionality of consciousness. Parallel lives are becoming more and more accessible whether you realize it or not.

The stronger the center of gravity of your attention, the more access you have to all of them. Which is to say, the greater your personal power is, the more access you have to your own timelines and to past and present lives.

A threshold has been crossed by humanity, and what we are experiencing now is the moment when a star begins to try to either go completely within or to completely explode. We are in the pivot of that balance. We are living in a historical moment critical for humanity.

We are at the point where we either destroy planetary life––and the consciousness that is forming here would then send itself off to another planetary formation––or it can continue to withstand this pressure, this continuous influx of information and continuous desire for liberation.

Those are the two forces at play. One is trying to become more aware and tolerate more, and the other is trying to bring everything back to a familiar place of lower energy. Something in the depth of humanity’s consciousness is seeking to become a cosmic body. Something is being birthed as a star.

This is the fifth Sun.

The real human being is really the Sun as it walks on the Earth illuminating the dark night of the soul.

The birth of humanity as the solar consciousness is an event waiting to happen. But when it happens, it will be happening throughout all the lifetimes. It is already affecting the remote past of our history and the future towards we’re all going.

To witness this moment, the end of history, all the eyes of the masters and the angels, the Gods and the forces of creation, are attentively watching.

This moment is what we have been witnessing and will continue to witness; and unable to withstand so much information, we will continue to feel overwhelmed with too much. Too much of this, too much of that. Too much information. Because all the forms that we have created to contain the infinite eternal radiance of the Sun will no longer hold.

All the religions that you built and all the sciences and all the ideas, and even all the stories that you created since the beginning of humanity, are not going to be able anymore to give us a sense of safety and security, no longer will they be able to make us feel like we already understand the world. Because now, as soon as you accept one form of the world, the tides of reality come crushing in destroying all forms, dissolving all attempts to create a solid understanding of reality.

The Tiger-Sheep and the Nature of the Teachings

A tiger cub found itself alone in the world as soon as he was born. His mother was killed by a hunter at the exact moment she was giving birth. The hunter took his pictures, with his foot on her body, wide smile holding the phallic crutch he calls his gun. He shares the picture and tales of his conquest and fake bravery, seeking somehow to steal the fierce nobility of the tigress by imbuing her blood on his pictures, trophies, and tales.

In the meantime, the little cub was left behind to die. He survived, though, when a young shepherd girl, passing by with her flock, saw the cub, and filled with compassion for the dying child took it with her to raise.

The cub was raised among the sheep, and since sheep was all the shepherd girl new, she treated the cub as a sheep. All the cub saw around him was sheep. All he heard was bleats. He learned to walk, eat, and bleat like a sheep. He thought himself a sheep, and seeing only sheep around, he never suspected he was anything other than sheep. All the sheep, too, learned to see him as one of their own. He behaved like sheep and bleated, so they responded to him as they did to each other.

So the tiger cub grew up, obviously different from his flock in appearance, but internally he saw himself as just one of them.

One day, a wild tiger approached the camp, hunting. He was about to pounce on his target, when he spotted the young tiger running away scared like the rest of the flock. Puzzled, he let his prey aside and pursued the young tiger until he caught up with him. The young tiger bleated, scared for his life.

The old tiger grabbed the tiger-sheep by the back of the neck and dragged him away. The tiger-sheep bleated in panic and pain, scared for his life. The old tiger brought his prey to the side of a river, and forced him to look at his reflection for the first time.

“Look,” he commanded, “you are like me, not like them!”

The young tiger-sheep was in shock at the revelation, but all he could do was bleat. The old tiger forced some meat on the young tiger-sheep. It was an unpleasant and terrifying experience, and he vomited the meat in horror.

In time, however, he learned to like the smell and taste of blood, and the meat was strength and force in his body.

So it’s shown the truth of the teachings, that its strength seeks to be stolen by the hunter and never realized, thwarted and hidden by congregations and good intentions, and revealed only by the clear example of He who is a mirror of the deepest Self.

The Witches Sabbath is available for preorder on Kindle

The Witches Sabbath, the second book of the Spiritual Technologies series is available for preorder on Kindle.

The Witches’ Sabbath is an act of freedom, and a call to awakening to all spiritual warriors.

This is the Tantra of the New World. It adds to the existing technologies of the East and West the shape-shifting dreaming technologies of the Nagual.

The shamanism of the people of the Nahuas (the Toltec enlightened past of this American continent) has awakened, and it comes as a catalyst that will fuse the Eastern and Western traditions into a new Dharma, one that liberates not only men and not only women, but our true essence as beings who exist beyond bodies, beyond gender, beyond the programs of our past.

This is the tantra of the gender fluid, the religious experience of the variety of human expression.

This is the sexual alchemy of the queer, the transgender, the gender fluid, the asexual, the female, the male, the neutral, and anyone who is a divine star acting through the veil of human existence.

Preorder your Kindle copy here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VNTLQDQ/

The Kindle book will be available on August 28 of this year. You can preorder it now, and it will be delivered to your device on the day or release. I will let you know when the paperback copy is released.


Era tan solo un destello de luz estelar, la más frágil criatura en existencia.

Bueno, llamarla criatura quizá sea tomarse una latitud irresponsable con el lenguaje. No tenía ni siquiera un cuerpo, no pertenecía a especie o género alguno. Por eso es difícil llamarla criatura. Lo que pasa es que también resulta difícil pretender que no era un ser vivo. Aquí es donde la lengua española nos falla. Es un ente, claro está, pues podríamos decir que estaba dotada de conciencia. Pero bueno, tampoco podemos pretender que esta conclusión resuelve la cuestión, puesto que decir que este destello de luz está dotado de conciencia es como pretender que su simplicidad se ve complicada al añadir cualidades externas. Más bien, tendríamos que tener una palabra en nuestro idioma que a la vez nos dijera que al mismo tiempo ella era luz, destello de luz, consciente, durmiente, sin órganos sensoriales, completa, simple, frágil, e indestructible.

Retomemos el asunto paso a paso. Era tan solo un destello de luz estelar. Estaba consciente, sí, pero no tenía órganos de la percepción. No tenía ojos para ver. No poseía oídos que detectaran sonido, ni un sistema nervioso con que sentir. De echo, no poseía un cerebro con el cual pudiese formar pensamientos ni memorias. Quizás podamos decir que tenía una conciencia dormida, como un estado de auto-reflejo profundo––un dormir sin sueños, sin memorias, sin eventos.

Era a la vez frágil e indestructible. Era tan frágil como un instante. Existía porque viajaba de un momento al otro, sin defensas ni estructuras. Viajaba en el espacio oscuro. Viajaba desde el principio de los tiempos, deslizándose por el vacío infinito. Era invisible porque nadie nunca la había visto. ¿Qué es la luz cuando no es vista? ¿Es acaso oscuridad? Quizás. ¿O será más bien posibilidad y espera? ¿Será un grano de la nada en espera del momento en que dejando de ser se vuelva una visión de su origen?

Vino de una estrella. Y por ser luz de estrella tiene en sí la esencia estelar. Si alguien la ve, verá la estrella.

En el momento en que sea vista, dejará de viajar invisible y se convertirá en estrella en la mente del vidente que la reciba. Se convertirá en poema, compañera del canto de grillos y el palpitar del corazón de amantes. Se convertirá en el conocimiento de sabios astrónomos y profundidades filosóficas.

Tal es su fragilidad que dejará de ser destello de luz en el momento que alguien se vuelva consciente de ella. Y tan indestructible es, que después de eternidades en el infinito, se volverá estrella en el momento de su muerte. Es destello de luz estelar, semilla poética, y esencia de la noche.

O quizás no sea percibida por ser humano alguno. Puede ser que venga a reposar en la hoja del árbol de acacia, y así de luz se vuelva oxígeno. Puede ser que como oxigeno sea partícula vital de innumerables seres, que se convierta en molécula de agua y aire. Que viva en el fulgor del fuego, y en aroma del perfume; que viaje en aliento del cantor; que alimente los cuentos de una soñadora.

Era tan solo destello de luz estelar, la más frágil criatura en existencia, eterna y perenne. Se volvió parte de todas las cosas. Se convirtió en todos los seres. Formó parte de todas las mentes y percibió todas las cosas. Pasó a ser aire y luz, agua y fuego. Se cubrió de todos los cuerpos y presenció todos los pesares––y las alegrías también.

Y así vino esta estrella, proyectándose como luz oculta, a ser parte de todos los seres, partícipe de todos los actos, presente en todos los recuerdos. Dejó su viaje por el infinito para vivir en todas las cosas, hasta que un día se encontró en cuerpo humano––frágil como la vida y eterno como el arte––y por tan solo un momento dejó de ser invisible cuando alguien la vio en su esencia natural de destello estelar, y componiendo el idioma la nombró con su nombre verdadero y oculto, con su nombre de destello de luz estelar. Al escuchar el sonido de su nombre verdadero, el destello se convirtió en momento fugaz, materia prima de la consciencia, y la amiga oculta de todas las cosas.

[Kaira es una escritora española de mucho talento. El libro en la foto es uno de sus libros para niños. Está historia es dedicada a ella]