Happy Anniversary for the Ox and None Clerk-House of the A.’.A.’.

Nine years ago, on October 22, 2010, I established the Ox and None Clerk-House dedicated to the service of the sempiternal A.’.A.’. and to the evolution of humanity.

A reader asked, “what exactly is a Clerk House?”

Traditionally, a “clerk house” is a store front or public face of a temple, an abbey, or an esoteric school. It is the administrative center of the operations of the school with the outside world. This is the meaning of the term since the middle ages across different spiritual traditions. From this Clerk-House, the spiritual school and abbey would be coordinating and administering both the dealings with the community and the teaching curriculum for the spiritual aspirants training at the school. The external function of this Clerk-House would be to administer both the business dealings with the community that would allow the school to survive and operate, and the actions performed to serve the outside community. So, it would be in this Clerk-House that all the accounting, inventory, paperwork, and student documents would be kept.

Chapter III, verse 41, of Liber Al vel Legis says: “Establish at thy Kaaba a clerk-house: all must be done well and with business way.”

Crowley often thought of the Kaaba in the religious context of Islam. The word “Kaaba” means “cube”, and it is the center stone around which the temple is built. Crowley wanted Thelemites to think of his house by Loch Ness, Boleskine, their religion’s Kaaba. He wanted Boleskine to be to Thelemites as Mecca is to Islam. However, initiates of the A.’.A.’. understand that vertical initiatory work is internal. In this light, the verse above is interpreted in the context of the first main task of the Order: to raise your kundalini and consciousness to the center of your Ruach, your mind, and from there enter into conscious communication with the Star, which is your true Self and whose orbit is your Will.

In this light, we understand the Kaaba to be the cube at the center of your being, or the sacred magical altar around which you will construct the temple of God out of your own self, your life, your consciousness, and your body. This Kaaba is the most intimate and secret center of every person, and there we build a house where we will pray and commune with God, “a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”

It is, therefore, in the Lover’s grade that we attempt to balance the forces and powers of the Ruach, reconciling all opposites and putting the ego under control, in order to establish a firm connection with our true Self, and from there engage in conscious communication with our Higher Self of Genius. There, under that guidance, we then proceed to next phase of the Great Work which is the manifestation of your pure will in your life.

In this initiatory blue print, to “Establish at thy Kaaba a Clerk-House”, means to set up an administrative center, a store front, at the center of your sacred cube. This sets the Clerk-House for the Adept with a dual function, as every thing in the Ruach is subject to this duality: one inner, and one outer. The administrative function of the Clerk-House in the inner sense has to do with the ordering, balancing, and administration of the different parts of the Ruach. For the Adept, this means the reconciliation of all opposites and the mastery of all aspects of the mind, constantly endeavoring to bring all the elements of the lower and higher self to a state of balance and under the direction of the center, the Sun in Tiphareth, the True Self. This is the first part of the work of an Adept. It is secret and internal. This is “putting your house in order”, as Gurdjieff put it. With the house in order, the Master of the House comes. This is when we attempt to contact the Holy Guardian Angel in a conscious manner, and then establish the methods and conditions for such a communication to continue, acquiring a trusting and reliable source of teachings, guidance, and communion with the most sacred. This is why, in the Lover’s degree, and Adept who has made this contact no longer needs an external teacher, since she has already established a connection to the true Teacher, the real Guru who is a messenger of the sempiternal A.’.A.’. above the Abyss. From then on, your guidance is internal, and from there you derive your teachings, your gnosis, and your magick.

The second part of the task of an Adept is to establish this Clerk-House in the outer, in the world. This is done under the guidance of the Holy Guardian Angel. If the first part of the task was about finding the laws of your Star and entering into conscious contact with it, the second part is about manifesting those laws in your sphere of influence, in your world. This is part of the meaning behind “thy Kindom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” In this phase of the Adept’s work, the task is to manifest the Clerk-House in the world. Each Clerk-House will be different, since each one is a manifestation of the innermost will of the Adept. This part of the task can take many years, or even a life time.

The Ox and None Clerk-House was officially established five years ago, and continues to orbit around the Star which gives its Light, Life, Love, and Liberty from the inner to the outer. As an outer expression of its Kaaba, the Ox and None Clerk-House administers and operates the training of its students, working as an abbey or esoteric school traditionally represented by a beehive. This image illustrates the manner of work and service taught to every student. We research and teach through different traditions from around the world, and many of our students are inheritors and initiates of different traditions, each one contributing to the understanding, the practices, and the technologies employed in our Clerk-House.

To sustain the efforts of the School, we produce works of art, books, street and stage performances, car washes, seminars and workshops.

To service the community, we bring to the community, free of charge, training in arts and craft, the sacred art of The Telling, free weekly lectures and teachings, sweat lodges and vision quests, dream circles, healing, cine forums, and readings for the dying. All of these are given as an offering to everyone. Other ways of service are in the planning stage.

In this time, we have trained hundreds of practitioners on the Aka Dua, and raised four adepts to Level V: Sharla Sanchez of The Dreamers’ Den, Dr. Arlan Cage of the Aka Dua Institute of Energy Healing, Phyllis Douglass of Integrated Mind-Body Therapies, and Pilar Gamboa of Xicoco Shamanic Arts.

One school of Toltec teachings has been established in Mount Shasta, under the leadership of Golden Eagle. One Clerk-Hose has been established in the inner plane, the Silence and Strength Clerk-House (more on this soon).

Finally, the Medicine Wheel is being rebuilt at a permanent site for meditation and prayer, open to everyone.

The training itself is also free, but the student body is at maximum capacity at this time. The training is very engaging, committed, and exacting. At this point, we cannot accept new applicants, but everyone is welcome to participate in our weekly lectures, cine forums, and all the other community events we offer. If you live far from Riverside, our lectures and cine forums are broadcasted live on LiveStream, in the Koyote The Blind channel.

This is a very dynamic community of practitioners and students. It won’t be long until other students will open their own clerk houses and thus open the doors of the teaching to a wider circle, each one attracting very different people because everyone is learning to connect with their own Star and evolve their own life into a unique source of service to humanity.

Much has been accomplished in these first none years of the Clerk House, and in the 11 years of service of the School as the Xicoco Shamanic Arts. Tonight, we drink and celebrate for all my relations, and for the benefit of All Beings Everywhere!

Triad Experiment #2

The second time E.J. Gold’s Triad was used was when I put together a small party to rescue a friend and relative who had been tortured and killed in Central America, and had subsequently been stuck in a bad place in the underworld.

My brother and I scried his location and situation. He had been killed by a gang in El Salvador, and buried alive next to a river by the border with Honduras. My brother and I put together a band of warriors and set up a rescue.

We gathered our tools and entered the bardos, headed to the underworld and travelled down to the place where he was. As we got closer, the atmosphere was of course getting heavier and heavier, and replete with the ambushes and pitfalls typical of the hell dimension.

At the right moment, I used the Triad to open a portal to the higher dimensions, and once rescued, our cousin could safely pass through with us, facilitating a quick exit and restoring his voyager’s memory. There was a sublime pause as he stopped to thank us and his gratitude touched everyone’s hearts.

Mission fulfilled. Liberation was attained by a tortured soul. The gate was closed and the Triad put away.

The Golden Flower, pt 3: enlightened analysis by Paul Rovelli

This is a deep and accurate presentation of the import of part 3 of my book, The Golden Flower. Enjoy!

Part Three of The Golden Flower is titled: “And in the Philosopher’s Garden Lives the Scent of the Golden Flower.” The first chapter, ‘The Beast’ jumps right at the reader in the opening; especially the Thelemic reader. The Dreaming is turned from a process of consciousness and given a life as an objective being. It becomes the Holy Guardian Angel in the form of a beast that is the dream and the Augoeides. The Beast being the sun in Thelema, the second chapter, ‘Dream is a Dealing with Light’ follows with the Kyote identifying himself as the dream immersed in the light; he (or each of us) is the perceiver and the perception.

His attitude is as one hunting himself, so that in finding oneself, one realizes oneself as mastering the dream. “The only thing beyond the Dreaming itself is the pure, unblemished nothingness–just the silent sound of the eternal.” So that in the third chapter, “The Other Self”, the opening sentence offers the complementary theme: “When you are born, so that your physical body can have a form, a creature of light and shadow is fused to your body–an energy form with its own thoughts, feelings, likes and dislikes. This dual structure of bodies that posits “the other self” as “the dream self” or in Magick, the Augoeides. Waking in the lucid dream is but the first part of the word. The dremaing self must also wake in the physical body. The abstraction of consciousness is the key to the transformational magick of the White School of Magick and its dualist philosophy.

The fourth chapter lives up to its being the namesake of the book. The Kyote literally gives us the LOGOS and feeds us ‘the word’–showing us how IT is consciousness. IT is the Dreaming and the Lotus upon which Brama forever flaots–the Golden Flower. And the chapter fully delivers this to the reader as a sensibility, as the Kyote’s words seem to reach directly into one’s soul. The Golden Flower is ‘literally’ presented; pun intended. The Yellow Rose is but a tone given to the coloration of the Rosy Cross. It can clearly be seen that this chapter is the sumation of the Magick that perfectly draws from both Thelema and the Toltec.

The atmosphere of the fifth chapter: ‘The Going’ shares with us the afterglow from the peak experience of the previous chapter. We realize here that the Golden Flower; the book itself is a talisman, being the Wanga of a most magnificent Obeah. The Kyote’s words as much remind us of the afterglow of an LSD experience; the psychedelic sensibility being preeminant in this chapter. And the sixth chapter: ‘The Three Keys’ closes out this marvelous tome with the Kyote giving us Hadit, Nuit and Ra-Hoor-Khuit in that order; or you might say point, counterpoint and transcendent point.

Hadit is the god that never sleeps; eternally insatiate, and Nuit becomes the girl in the Universe Atu, with her reflection, as if the Kyote’s marvelously reflective images were pulled from Liber 231. And Ra-Hoor-Khuit is this god who “would that, in his eternal wakefulness, he’s always been srrounded by this eternal, unmoving, untouchable abyss behind him. The Kyote’s words make this chapter one long incantation. All that’s left for the reader is but ‘TO DO.’

By Paul Rovelli, director of The Gnostic Church of L.V.X.

Click here to purchase The Golden Flower

A View from the World of the Nahual

If successful, this book will be more than entertainment and much more than a source of information and ideas hard to find elsewhere. You have in your hands more than a collection of theories and entertaining stories. You have an artifact, a container of a very old wisdom that is still alive. If you lend me your attention, I promise you that something of a seed will stir—something imbued in the pages of this tome.

This book will be a transformational factor in your hands. Don’t expect a linear narrative, nor attempts to convey unidimensional perspectives of the world. It is not an academic book full of discussions and references to other writings. It’s not a manual with exercises for you. This book has encounters of power, strange points of view, practical advice, effective techniques, and historical data; but it is more than that.

This book is a view from the world of the Nahual—the Toltec Survivor who shares his being with you as you read. If you place your attention on the narrative, you will know that I am talking to you directly, a heart to heart conversation.

You will know that in reading this narrative, you are altering the world in you and around you, as a dreamer alters a dream when she begins to wake up to her personal power. Lend me your attention for a moment, and I’ll go on a journey to a different place with you. In this place of power, something deep in you will stir awake and stand up in attention.

Get your copy of The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor here.

A Seed Carried and Nourished by a Lineage Willed to Germinate (a book review by Viento de Octubre)

The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor is like an ancient recording of Koyote on some level, one one may play and pause at will and even share with others nearby. Like everything ancient, it resurfaces through what it survives.

A seed carried and nourished by a lineage willed to germinate. For a Nahual, it was his call. The clever genius of this book is that it isn’t just a book. It carries a call. The Teller masterfully instals filters into the consciousness of the reader, awakening something. The reader becomes a voyager. There is a playing field that only few will enter. Koyote will continue to speak to every reader, and he will be specifically sending instructions to an intelligence that is beyond what is being experienced while engaging with the book. It is in this playing field that The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor opens as the seed; and there, in that moment, the call is transmitted.

His canvas is the Tonal. Koyote placed detailed attention into being heard by the reader. The voice of the Teller is present. Throughout the writing you will find ways and alleys, methods and formulas, doors, hacks and triggers into an inner journey the ancients call a voyage. Open the book to any page, any chapter, and the writing in any phrase will invite you in. The writing is a key to the reading. His teachings allow you to follow, daring you to know and be guided to turn on. Ancient, deeply buried mechanisms of transformation and evolution are contained within the organic human host as you read and allow yourself to follow. Alchemical furnaces internalize a heating of change-causing agents within an alchemical laboratory known as a temple by simply following along. The act of reading itself becomes the conduit through which Koyote reaches the voyager essential navigational instruction.

He Tells in magick the story teller within, the one writing your story, in a way that allows for the awakening of something deep. Contact is essentially maintained with attention. Guided through by an inner voice that sometimes becomes Koyote, sometimes your higher self, sometimes something else speaking in tones devastating to the ordinary field of thought and meaning. All that remains then is whatever you muster to gather about yourself for a quick reality check, and the book again holds your self gravitationally attracted and electromagnetically attached to whichever reality Koyote is presently presenting your presence as you read. The words proceed again to guide you into an inner world where the voice resonates, and you engage deeper and deeper with the Teachings until, again, you come to realize, as if materializing into something sacred he has already constructed elsewhere in a time long ago forgotten, that Koyote just took you there again. As you read so you voyage.

His art is the Telling, and The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor is an expression of that. It isn’t the Telling itself—not an invocation as such. It is, instead, a sculpture of the artist using elements of his artistry. On his palette one sees magick, lineage, School, Teachings, Toltec, the Telling, Tantra, Yoga, shamanism, comedy, intent, philosophy, story-telling, gaming and more. Will, Nahual, and The Great Work are impressions now left inside your eternal coding as a way to manifest just that. This is his masterpiece.”

By Viento de Octubre

Check out Viento de Octubre on FaceBook

These Esoteric Teachings Buried Within the Mantle of Civilization.

“Some of the things that I will be sharing with you, I sometimes like to call the Teachings. I don’t mean to say that I am a teacher in any way—not in the usual sense. I call it the Teachings because I have learned from them. They have been buried within the mantle of civilization that we call the world.

They have been hidden there, not because someone is keeping them secret, but because of the illusion that our fascination with the human world creates. This fascination with the sleeping state of the human condition hides the Teachings, covers them, makes them go into the background.

While there are moments in history where these Teachings seem to be lost, unknown, or forgotten, they are always there because nothing is really lost in the collective consciousness of humanity. Even beyond humanity, nothing really gets lost in the consciousness of the biosphere. Humanity is not separate from this biosphere. Humanity is simply a particularly conscious manifestation of life on this planet Earth.”

From The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor. (Click here to check it out)

The Teacher is a Spider

Here’s a note I found from a dear friend after a performance of The Telling:

“It occurs to me this morning that the teacher is a physical manifestation of the Great Spider who endlessly is eaten by her children, only to willingly come back again and again and again.

This sacrifice is for the Great Work. Likewise, the student is a developing spider who is learning the practice of death, rebirth and service through observing her Mother while simultaneously partaking of her, often greedily.” Katheline Dreier

How The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor Was Conceived

It took me seven years to accomplish the task my benefactor gave me in 1998. Once the connection to the Ally was stablished, I found myself inside a hotel room in Chicago, talking with my benefactor as he impressed the next mission on my mind: use this opening to access the sacred book of the Nahuas, the legendary Teomoxtli.

To accomplish this, I needed the assistance of 30 people and the permission of another Nahual: E.J. Gold. After Cachora’s body of light vanished from the room, I saw the light on the night stand signaling it was 3:00 a.m. Filled with the intent of this flash of destiny, I did not hesitate. I grabbed the phone and called E.J. He gave his blessing. He wanted to know if I was also going to teach the teachings from Peyote. “For that, you need Dru’s permission,” he said. Dru Kristel was dead, however. “I will ask him,” assured me E.J.

A few months later, after an adventure in Bardo Town with E.J. and his school, a rescue mission in the hell dimension, and a feat of high magick, Dru gave his consent too. We were ready.

The 30 students were recruited, and the esoteric course took place. We met twice a week for 8 weeks. That was the number necessary to create the conditions to open the door; and once the door was opened, the Teachings flowed. The higher entity was assembled, and we voyaged.

Several treasures were gained. The Aka Dua was presented to the world. The ability to voyage with a group to other worlds and planes of existence was acquired. The technology for the blueprint of intensives was codified. The shifting of timelines was mastered. The esoteric school was established. Finally, after the course had ended and the window sealed, the Book of Divinity was revealed by one of the ancient Toltecas in the pyramids of Teotihuacan, and the manifestation of artifacts containing the Teachings became possible.

(Read more in The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor)

Meet My Benefactor

It was the Spring Equinox of 2007 when a door opened, illuminated by the sun directly above the equator. It was a doorway to the ancient teachings the Toltecs held for millennia, before the conquest and before the empires of blood and sacrifice.

My benefactor, Cachora, had appeared before me exactly on the Fall Equinox the year before, and told me about this opening and the opportunity to access this doorway to find the Book of Divinity hidden in protection by Hueman, ancestor of our lineage and keeper of the knowledge of the people of Nahuas. Cachora came to me in his body of light after I had accomplished the charge he gave me at the end of my training with him in 1998. It was at the end of my apprenticeship that he gave me the Ring of Power, after he told me to go on my own and finish my training by my own means and intent. “This is the ring a Nahual gives to his student, to give the student the power to do what his teacher can do,” he explained. I asked him what I was supposed to do with it, and he told me that to complete my training, I had to call an Ally, a master of praeter-human consciousness who could help me, teach me all magick, and through him I could serve humanity in its quest for evolution. “With the Ring of Power you will have the power to call on the Ally, and if you are strong and true you will survive the ordeal and receive the Teachings.”

The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor is one of the artifacts created from the esoteric course. It can activate a transformational process, and the flow of gnosis will be experienced. Do not be fooled by the form it has taken. It is a book in appearance, but its effects are truly beyond form and reason.

Meet my benefactor.

The Aim of the Teachings

The aim of the Teachings is to give you the tools, and facilitate the conditions, for a transformation. What kind of transformation is this? Every human being has the potential for changing their perception, their nervous system even, to the point where they become receptors of the divine. You have the potential to attune yourself to the infinite, and become a chariot of divine consciousness.

The Teachings are designed to give you the tools and the know-how to accomplish this lofty goal. This is the meaning behind the name of the Toltec city of Teotihuacan: “the place where gods are born.” The city itself was an artifact designed to create the necessary shocks and adjustments in the initiate’s perceptions, thoughts, and nervous system that connected each one with the cosmic consciousness, producing in effect gods walking the Earth in human form.

My books are such artifacts.

To do the work they are meant to do, we need to take into account the hermetic law of rhythm. Everything in nature moves with rhythm, and no change is possible without it. The reading of these books take rhythm into account. They have been carefully designed using effective esoteric principles of magick and mysticism to produce in you a psychic system capable of connecting to the source of all knowledge and all evolution.

In the end, you will come to realize that what this Teaching, as with any knowledge that comes from outside yourself, is only a reflection of what is already inside yourself.

Nothing new can be taught from the outside; all real teaching emanates from the one true source, and that true source lies within the innermost recesses of your heart. My writing can be a facilitator at best, and if you apply it with sincerity and assiduity you will connect with the eternal, infinite consciousness from which all is created. That is your true teacher, and to that source is that my books are meant to help you connect.

To accomplish this end, therefore, we must proceed in harmony with the law of nature, with science and with art, to produce true and lasting harmonious glory.