The Lesser Banishment Ritual of the Pentagram

If there was only one thing I could know about Magick, I would choose the Lesser Banishment Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP).

This is perhaps one of the most powerful, fundamental, and underrated tools in the magician’s arsenal. 

The LBRP is essential, not only because it is used to cleanse a space energetically and free it from the undue influence of unwanted spirits and magical attacks, but also because it prepares the body, energy, and mind of the pratitioner for any type of magical work, operation, or even daily spiritual exercises.

He importance of this ritual, however, is much deeper than a powerful operation to cleanse and prepare a space.

The ritual has in its very DNA, the architecture of the Great Work, the Magnus Opus of the Western Magick. The Banishment ritual is a microcosmic representation of the alchemical transformation, and the attainment of the union of opposites.

It is all represented each time it is performed; and every, the formula of the ritual is absorbed by the practicioner. The ritual is embeded in the body, the mind, and the etheric body. It gives directions to these bodies the same way our DNA gives directions to every cell of our bodies. 

Indeed, the Lesser Banishment Ritual of the Pentagram is the most essential model of the Great Work being programed into the core of our being. The more you do it, the more active it becomes in the matrix of the body of light that is forming in the soul of the adept. 

As profound as these statements are, the LBRP is even more important than stated even in these paragraphs. It is a recreation of the formation of the Universe, and it contains at its core the fundamentals of the mind of the Creator as it desings its own body of light. Therefore, every time this powerful ritual is performed, you align yourself more and more with that creative force of the Supreme Being.

But there is more, there is a technique by which you can align your ritual not only to your own personal practice, but to a powerful ancient lineage of practitioners too. It is true that every time you do the Banishment, you accumulate that energy into the formation of your own Body of Light. True. 

I will teach you this ritual. I will show you how to perform it step by step, and at the end of the worlkshop you will be ready to perform it and gain its benefits. But I will also teach you that technique by which you can leverage your practice by aligning it to the accumulated practices of great initiates and adepts from time immemorial.

That means that every time you practice you are not only adding this performance to your own Body of Light, you are also tapping into the work been done by powerful women and men of knowledge around the world, and their work and power is added to your own, making your own ritual of Banishment that much more powerful and effective.

In this two day seminar, Jenny Paiva and yours truly will teach you the proper fundations of the LBRP. Jenny is a Yaya Nkisi, the highest grade of initiation of Palo Mayombe, and a Level V adept of the Aka Dua. She has personally trained dozens of magicians in the use of the LBRP, and she has been working with me in the various magical arts for 20 years. 

At the end of the two day workshop, you will learn:

•  The entire Lesser Banishment Ritual of the Pentagram and how to perform it effectively.

•  The proper architecture of footwork, vibration, tone, movement, and visualization for the most powerful effect.

•  How to use it to ward off magical attacks, stress, danger, and fear.

•  How to use the LBRP to enhance your own power, clean your energy, restore your magick.

•  How to cleanse a space for magical work, for meditaion, and for your professional work.

•  How and when to align this ritual to the lineage of magicians for enhanced power.

Check out this workshop here:

Aka Dua and the Ring of Power

It was in 1998 that my Benefactor, Kachora, gave me the Ring of Power. 

He was sending me away to complete a task after 3 years of apprenticeship. He told me, “you are learning too fast, Koyote, but the next task you have to do on your own. You must call and get your Ally.”

The Ally, he explained, is an ancient being of great power and knowledge.

“He will teach you magick,” Kachora said. He provided the necessary warnings and the details of the operation. He said it would take a year of intense and dedicated work, but it took me seven years to prepare and get everything ready for that year of work. 

“How would I contact the Ally?” I asked him. 

“You can’t,” he said. “It takes a lot of power and knowledge. And when He comes, you must be strong and ready. If your mind is weak, you will go insane.”

I asked him if there was a way for me to know if my mind was strong enough for the operation. “Yes, there is,” he replied. “Perform the operation, and if you do not die or go insane, then you were strong enough.” 😉

After much work and preparation, I was able to commence the operation in 2005. 

He validated and confirmed the results, declaring in front of witnesses that I was now a teacher in his lineage. 

The results of this operation can be verified in the development of the Velada, the Telling, and the Aka Dua.

My book, The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor is a record of these teachings, and the resulting teachings of the lineage and the conversation with the Ally.

If you don’t have the book, you can purchase on Amazon by clicking here. 


The Aka Dua is a magical force, the force emanating from the Ring of Power.

It became available for the world after 2007. The magical force that previously had been only accessible to those possessing the Ring of Power is now available to all.

The Aka Dua, the power that ancient initiatic and occult schools passed on to initiates in secret, is now here to serve everyone who wishes to help, heal, and benefit their fellow human beings.

Tomorrow, I will release a brand new introductory course on the Aka Dua. It will be free for all and it will begin to set a new standard in Aka Dua education & training. 

You will have first access before the general public so be sure to watch for tomorrow’s email.

See you soon,


Happy new cycle!

This is the beginning of a new cycle, both in nature and in the consciousness of humanity. It is an auspicious moment to become aware of this window of opportunity. I invite you to use our collective awareness of the present moment to SEE a new dream. 

As individuals, we create a simulation of the world in our minds. This is where we live the environment created by our judgements, our conclusions, and our seeing. We each create our individual dream. 

Yet, collectively, we also create a dream that is communal. History is the unfolding of our collective seeing. We are dreaming the outside works together, just as we dream our own lives. 

This is a moment in time when we have an opportunity to see a new world. Just seeing. That’s all we need to do in this moment. See. 

See the new life. See the new awareness flowing around you. Let the blessing of the divine Aka Dua unfold with it the formation of a new dream, a new hope, and the life we all deserve. 

Happy New Year, dear friend!

Path of Destiny

Before you were born—before the identification, the struggle, the pain, the desire, the hopes and the events—you were for a moment one with the infinite consciousness of the Universe.

You came here, to this planet and at this moment in the history of humanity, with a sacred intent.

This sacred intent is your True Will, the divine destiny you came here to experience.

Who made this decision for you?

It was You, of course, but that part of you that is eternal.

We all share this divine origin.

But once we immerse ourselves in life, and develop a personal history and many identities, we forget.

Yes, we forget what we came to do.

We forget that which makes us larger than our history, and more joyful than we know we can be.

There is a Path back to that remembrance.

There is a Path of Joy, and to walk this Path is your Destiny.

Many of you have benefited already from my Path of Destiny Interpretation (PODI)

Have you experienced a Path of Destiny Interpretation yet (PODI)?

I am running a beginning of cycle special.

I will be offering the PODIs at $200 (discounted from $300).

See, each PODI is a discovery of your path of destiny, your True Will, or the reason we incarnated.

When we align ourselves to our True Will, we find ourselves living a life of great fulfillment and joy.


I hope you are doing well! The day of the Microdosing Workshop is coming fast, and we can all feel it already here at Xicoco!

I thought I’d send a final reminder and share a glimpse of what awaits you in this transformative experience.

Microdosing Workshop Highlights:

  • Foundations of Microdosing: How neuroplasticity helps in the management of mood, mental health, and emotional balance. We will explore how subtle doses can influence creativity, focus, and emotional well-being in your daily life.
  • Sacred Teonanacatl: approach the sacred mushroom as one comes to an elder, a teacher, a sacred being. We will explore ways in which microdosing can serve as a pathway to connect with its cosmic intelligence.
  • Intentions and Mindful Practices:Gain insights into setting intentions and creating a sacred space for your microdosing journey, fostering a respectful and mindful connection with the Teonanacatl.

What you can expect from applying the techniques presented in this workshop:

  • Heightened Awareness: Experience enhanced sensory perception and increased mindfulness, contributing to a deeper connection with yourself and your surroundings.
  • Emotional Resilience: Discover how microdosing can positively impact your emotional well-being, promoting stress reduction and emotional resilience.
  • Spiritual Growth: Approach microdosing as a tool for spiritual exploration, paving the way for personal growth and self-discovery.
  • Responsible Use: Explore guidelines for the responsible and mindful use of microdosing, ensuring a safe and enriching experience.
  • Integration Practices: Learn how to integrate the lessons and insights gained from microdosing into your daily life, fostering a holistic and transformative journey.

This workshop is a unique opportunity to go on a journey of self-discovery and cosmic connection. I hope you can join us for this enlightening experience.

Should you have any last-minute questions or require additional information, feel free to reach out.

To sign up, click on the following link. You can attend online out in person. The workshop is from 9 to Noon, California time. It will be recorded and you can access it any time after that, so you don’t have to worry you’ll miss anything if you can’t make it at that time.

Healing Language from the Heart of the Mother

Many of you have been asking for higher level teaching techniques. I am ready to teach them.

You can participate by clicking on the link below:

Healing Language from the Heart of the Mother

If that doesn’t work, copy and paste the following URL link on your browser:

Let me know if you have any questions.

Mastering the Game of Life

Life can be approached in so many ways. Some see it as a source of suffering; others, as an unending struggle to survive. Some see it as an adventure, where there is always something new and mysterious to explore. Yet others see life as a school where you come to learn and have experiences that will ultimately mature your soul. We can see life as a boring sequence of ordinary events, where the only wonderful things seem to happen to others and never to us. We can also see life as this dangerous place, where we have to look over our shoulders because danger is everywhere, and where you can’t trust anyone. We can see life as a competition where the aim is to accumulate more, like the bumper stickers of the 80’s that read: “Whomever dies with the most toys, wins.”

When I see all these approaches, I see one thing in common. We can see life in any of these ways, and each of these ways will determine how we behave, what we believe, and what we manifest around us. In all these cases, knowingly or not, we are living a life as a game. A game has many different quests, threats, opportunities, and rewards. If we see life as a game, we immediately open ourselves to experience and understand what is happening to us, and even who we are, from different perspectives.

I have created a course, called Mastering the Game of Life.

It is about switching our perspective and learn to think as someone who is playing a very intricate game, but which can actually be mastered. I teach in this course how to identify the plot and characters we are playing, and how to chose the type of game we will play.

We will also explore how to develop the skills necessary, and how to identify the challenges ahead. All of this to have a high chance of prosperity, enjoyment, and mastery over the story line of our characters.

In Mastering the Game of Life, you will be able to identify a higher purpose, which implies getting to know the strengths that will bring about true fulfillment, the plenitude of becoming! By knowing why we incarnated, we can know the true force behind our existence, and how to get the forces that rule the universe to work for us, to help us achieve a life of great success and joy.

If this seems at all interesting or useful to you, or if you want to be able to take control of how this life unfolds for you, click the following link and find out more about the course. It is coming up in February.  

Mastering the Game of Life

With an overabundance of Love,

Ps. If the link doesn’t seem to be working for some reason, copy the following link on your browser:

Everyday Sorcery for the Closet Magician

Magick is often conceived as either the superstitious tools of the uninformed, or else as the inaccessible obscure disciplines of secret cabals.

There are, however, powerful strategies and dynamic principles that are easily accessible to everyone capable of awakening the latent powers of our being, and of giving access to the magical forces inherent in nature.

It is true that to obtain mastery in magick and mysticism, a great deal of effort, study, and ordeals are necessary. To truly walk the path of the shaman, the brujo, the magus and the Nahual, a lifelong dedication is necessary where every drop of blood is poured in service to this science and art of transformation.

But just like technology springs from science to bring its benefits to all humanity, so do the principles of magick described in this class become accessible to everyone.

This class, Everyday Sorcery for the Closet Magician, is designed to awaken in you latent powers, and to sharpen the mystical tools you already have.

It is, however, not a class based on superstitious tactics created by misunderstandings and mistaken principles propagated by the untrained. No. Every Day Sorcery is a collection of tools and principles that are accessible to all of us without specialized training, but it is not for those that just want a quick and lazy way to get money, fame, revenge, or any other of the 10,000 seductions of the dream of life. It is a class truly for the Closet Magician: that powerful part of us that is connected to the universal powers of creation, the one who remembers our divine origin.

Everyday Sorcery for the Closet Magician will be offered for only $21 dollars. But for you, it is completely free. I am sending it to you just for being part of my mail list.

Click here to access the free class, Everyday Sorcery for the Closet Magician.

Let me know what you think!


Ps, in case the links above don’t work, type the link into your browser:

As We Improve So Do All Beings Around

It is not easy to discern the nature of the situation. At this point, the coronavirus is mutating—as expected. As humans work to strengthen defenses by internal and external means—enhancing immunological response, masks, regulations, and vaccines—the virus is under pressure to improve its capability of attaching to the body and reproducing itself.

This is common in our symbiotic relationship with microbes. We would not exist without them. Yes, they have created deadly and crippling strands, but also have created variations that have become an intrinsic part of our body and even our DNA. Viral mutations and their access to our DNA code has allowed some of them to become part of the survival tools we have developed; and indeed, part of what has improved our capacity to feel more, to grow in consciousness, and to develop our capacity to evolve.

As we seek to become immune from this virus, there is an intelligence attempting to make the virus better at what it does. It is the same intelligence that allows humans to try to understand and survive. Either the virus gets controlled and rendered innocuous, or it becomes too strong for us—is how most of us tend to think of the road ahead. However, evolutionary ethnohistory teaches us that there are times when the viral entity has become so good as to learn not only to bypass our defenses, but to evolve to the point where it becomes a important collaborative tool for our evolution, increasing thus our intelligence, sensorial acuity, and capacity to face this infinite vastness wherein we thrive.

What is to happen with this one strand? We don’t know, except for one thing. We must do what we have always done: strive beyond the limits of our comfort to understand, to survive, and to keep growing in joy to thrive in the face of any and all adversities. This is what allows all beings around us to also strive to improve.

As we evolve, so do all things around us.

Face this time with courage, therefore, and stay alert. But do not succumb to dread and fear of the unknown. Do not fall into the pit of false knowledge either. Opting to feel the comfort of belief is the hubris of a lazy mind. Know, instead, that we are always facing an endless field of light in infinite extension, unknowable, and in this facing of the mystery of existence we take each step into the unknown with courage, with joy, and with the evolutionary tested strategy of having each other’s back. Thrive in the knowledge that as we get better at what we do, so do all sentient beings.

This Cocoon, My Heart

Jodorowski once told me of a photographer in Mexico who was shooting images of cocoons. “They are neither worms nor butterflies,” she explained, “I’m taking photographs of the nothing.”

For the Toltec, the alchemically transformed heart is represented by an obsidian butterfly.

Your heart is a cocoon. Inside there is a seed of the infinite, a silent void in the dark, a particle of the eternal night.

Let it be fed with the dreams of the best and purest of lights.

Neither moth nor worm,
the angelic cocoon dreams
with flutters of light.

Photography by Adumbrations Photography