There’s Only a Continuum of Sentience Between You and the Universe.

Picture yourself in the middle of a sentient universe, a conscious being who reaches within because there is nothing outside. It reaches within. It folds upon itself, exploring different levels of sentience until energy is manifested and matter is formed. I want you to picture that as a process of folding upon itself and unfolding out into experience.

This sentience is going within to know itself. It is perceiving itself on different levels, as pure intelligence, then as sound, and then as light. After becoming light, this supreme being experiences itself as cosmos, as galaxies, and finally as planetary existence.

It is not that it is creating sound and then it creates light, and then it creates stars, and then it creates planets, and then it creates things. It’s more that every layer is itself and it has a continuous unfolding of consciousness—knowing itself at different levels.

To give an example of how this is a continuum you may consider the nature of matter itself. Everything that we call matter is composed of atomic particles, and each atom is composed of subatomic particles, electrons, protons, neutrons, etc. Each one of these particles is a packet of energy, a vibration that exists for a time. The relationship between these particles is what creates what we know as the material world.

From the moment when there is light in the Universe, this same light has been coming together as vibration creating stars, creating galaxies, creating planets, creating moons, people, plants, animals, rocks and everything. There is no substantial difference between matter and energy. It is all a continuum. Matter is slowed down energy. The only distinction between matter and energy is in our conception of it, how we relate to it, how we think of it, but it is all part of the same continuum.

In that same way, there is no real difference between the mind of God and the physical universe. It is all a continuum of sentience.

What’s with All the Narratives Out There?

In the process of birthing the New Sun, which is also the process of creating the Human Being, we will see all the worlds melting as they approach the core of being, and then dissolve. You will experience all possibilities, and will seem to be performing all things; because even the consciousness of humanity is becoming one at the same time that it’s becoming all.

The human mind is one. One mind operating in the human being, but it is being experienced by every body in a different way. So, my nervous system, my experience, my language, and my personal history are a particular instantiation of the human experience––and so is yours and everybody else’s. There is no such thing as my mind and your mind. There is my experience and your experience, but the mind is one.

This over-mind is experiencing through each of us, and as we approach this historical event horizon, we increase the number of events we experience, and as the frequency of happenings increases, we begin to feel what is like to be all and none.

Identify with anything that is not the true center of things and you will always be experiencing the struggle. All things are happening now. All things are being experienced. And you are doing all things, except not all through your own body.

We used to live only in a planetary world. Now, we still live in a planetary world, but more of us are becoming exposed to the birthing process of the New Sun, and therefore the world is not going to be solid for a while. Not until it becomes cosmic.

The awareness of different planes is more at hand. Observe, then. Stop trying to figure out which of the narratives is the truest. There is no true narrative. You will never find the real reality of what is happening out there. Who is really controlling the world? Nobody is controlling the world. What world can survive at the core of this celestial explosion? None.

You are seeing the struggle of worlds as they merge. The more you try to make your understanding solid the more the mystery will embody your experience and destroy it. Become the mystery. Not the secrets. There are no secrets. There is just the surrounding unknown in the middle of this awareness that is forever trying to go within and forever giving of itself.

In that constant struggle between burning within myself and giving my light to the world I become one with this new being that is being born. And as I observe all my lifetimes and all my possibilities I feed my fire with all things. I love all things. I perform all things. I understand all things. I dissolve myself even as I give myself. And I find nothing to hold.

Do not despair then when you see all the confusion of the worlds outside. Do not think that this is just because you are going crazy. You are going crazy but that’s not why this is all so confusing. It’s also confusing. Stop trying to figure out what the true narrative is. All narratives are exploding and imploding. A New Sun is being born and it’s here at the core of our experience. And it’s here with the voice of the sound-that-makes that the heralding of the new light is carried.

The Shape of the Earth Across Time

For some reason I keep getting this question online: “The Earth, is it a globe or flat?”

I have decided to compile a list of answers from some of the most renowned religious, spiritual, philosophical, and artistic minds I have encountered in my explorations…

Most people after the industrial revolution: a globe.

The Holy Inquisition: Flat.

Modern Science: a misshapen sphere, like a deflated globe.

Salvador Dali: a field of the misshapen faces of time.

Hinduism: an illusion.

Enochian Angels: A cube.

Homer: a neutral valley below Olympus and above Hades created to be the playground of the gods.

Einstein: a gravitational well in a space/time continuum.

Mayans: a space/time spiral.

Ramakrishna: the unfolding of perception of the real you, who is God.

Hippies: a global village to live in peace and make love.

Globalists: a global village to exploit and consume.

Nazis: a hollow concave globe sustaining humans upside down on its inner surface.

Gurdjieff: the Mi lower harmonic of the initial tone of the world of the Absolute.

Toltec: Flat, but it’s not the Earth that is flat. Earth is a globe projected on a flat screen of light in infinite extension that make up the boundaries of our consciousness, which in turn is shaped as an egg.

All these answers have some truth to them, some more than others, and all in accordance to the paradigm used to tell their stories. All, that is, except for the inquisition and the nazis. They were useless and false, then and now.

The Stars Firing Synaptic Dreams of God

Every atom in your body was forged in the bowels of a star, and everything you can perceive in this universe was also formed in a star. If this universe is an illusion, then the stars are the synaptic firings creating the building blocks of the dream of God.

Now, consider the situation before the first stars erupted with light in the night sky. The universe had never seen light, and yet all the matter that was possible was already there. In fact, most of the matter that had been created before the first stars came out was already gone.

What we’re experiencing right now is not the bounty of creation. We are on the last leg of creation. Most of the material content of the universe was already gone by the time the first stars were created. And when the first stars were created there were no planets, no life. There was just that initial light filling up the universe, and those giant stars remaining after the initial splendor.

These stars lived their lives for billions of years and one of two things would happen. Either they would contract enough until they became black holes or they would explode becoming super novas.

The ones that became super novas would give themselves to the universe, sending off everything that had been forged in their bowels and all this matter then would come to join other star systems, reaching the type of matter in these other stars. This new matter would then again form new stars and create the second generation of stars.

The new stars would again either become black holes or supernovas and then they would give rise to more complex molecules and form new stars and new types of planets until we come to this sun that we have.

Our sun is part of the fourth generation of suns. All so that we may have a very rich variety of molecular structures in order to have the complexity of planetary existence that we experience here and now.

It is with this type of planetary existence that we can form different bodies; bodies capable of sustaining life; bodies capable of carrying the type of consciousness that sentient beings have. So, we have gone through all this trouble just to form this kind of body that can carry the sentience of the universe.

Triad Experiment #1

I received this Triad from my good friend E.J. Gold in 2015. When he told me he was sending it he said simply: “You’re a shaman. You’ll know what to do with it.”

I opened the package with great delight; E.J. never ceases to amaze me with the useful technologies he tirelessly provides. This time, I was not to be disappointed. Far from it. As soon as I opened it I could tell I was holding a sacred artifact. I saw in the center of the triangle a shimmering membrane, and with just the focus of attention effortlessly available to me in my Santo Sanctorum, my temple, I immediately noticed a strong and vibrant circle––or rather, a sphere––all around me protecting and sealing the temple along the lines of the edge of the protective circle I had earlier established. I noted this effect, and safely put the Triad away inside my altar for later experimentation.

Within a week, I proceeded to the first experiment. With two friends, I used the Triad as a focus amplifier to open a portal. Any reader with good knowledge of practical magick can deduce the function of a triangle. A portal immediately opened up behind us, and while my two capable assistants guarded the circle, I went through the portal and found myself traveling to different parts of the past of this incarnation.

I’ve been here before. This is the retorno, the ability to go back and forth in time at any point in time during the life of the body, to relieve and examine any moment of the life time. The portal gave me immediate access and propelled me to the different points I wished to visit. It boosted the effect, making it immediate, fast as the speed of intent, and quite tangible. I relieved key points of my life.

I went through my lifetime about six times all together, at times changing a few things but mostly coming back to this time line where I am doing this work. I ended up not so much changing anything, but polishing some rough edges of my experience and planting a few habits early one, a couple of shocks so I could remember at other key times.

Eventually, after many years of exploration and work on the life stream, I came back to my assistants and closed the gate. We went outside to assess the effects of the voyage, notated the results and again put the Triad away.

This was the first experiment. Tomorrow, I will share with you the second experiment.

There is an Ocean…

There is an ocean I see with eyes of ancient memories, an ocean of a deep blue. The depth of the ocean feels exactly like the depth of my soul. The sound of the ocean comes hesitant at first, as if wanting to become present, real.

The gentle reverberations in the surface of the ocean are seen with the eyes and felt with the skin. It moves in soft rhythmic jumps. I sit at its shore feeling sand and pebbles under my feet, and every minuscule portion of sand appears to be complete unto itself; as if every particle of sand creates a unique sensation that travels through my body; as if I could get lost in every single sensation, and all of them are felt at once.

There is an ocean of deep blue. Its depth can be touched by the proximity of my hands. The closer I move my hands to my sightless eyes, the deeper I touch the profound stillness of this ocean. I sit as if waiting, but I don’t know what I wait for. I sit at the shores of this ocean. I hear the crashing of the waves, and each reverberation of the waves sounds as if it is my voice talking and moving and reverberating through the skin of my back.

I sit. For a moment, I do not know if I see the dark waters at the edge of time and creation or if, perhaps, I simply stand at the face of the abyss at the end of a life that I can no longer remember as being mine.

For a brief moment, the terrible thought begins to form that perhaps I do not know where I sit; that there is no ocean blue, no peaceful movement of waves; that perhaps all that is happening is the projection of my illusion of safety onto the immense, incomprehensible chaos––a non-existing nightmare that moves and reverberates, a darkness darker than black, a void, an emptiness that moves, an immensity such that the more I stare at it the more it looks towards me.

That look comes at me as a stream of sound, of words being thought by something flowing through me. I no longer know if these thoughts, these words, are flowing out of me or into me.

A View from a Gnostic Scholar… pt 4

Part of what makes it a treat for me to read Paul Rovelli’s analysis of The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor is not only the scholarly background he brings to everything he writes, but also that he conveys the journey taken with the book at a very personal level. Paul is not only an author and leader of a gnostic movement, he also is a teacher in the A.’.A.’. and the Western Mystery tradition. It is interesting for me, therefore, to see him uncover nuances of my book the way a connoisseur unveils the nuances of wine or high cuisine.

Here is his latest entry about the book:

“Yesterday, I read the first of the next three chapters in continuance of my review of “The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor.” I’ll get to the second during the Yankee game this afternoon. Koyote, did you know the Three Stooges used perfect Jersey accents in their comedy? I’m born and raised there and loved the title of this chapter: “I’m a Victime of Soicumstance.” Indeed, Englewood, NJ was the original Hollywood and many of the silent screen stars owned properties in Englewood Cliffs all the years I was growing up.

But outside my review, I came across something in yesterday’s reading that I found truly profound and thought-provoking. I have been ruminating over the state of death for many years and especially after watching and facilitating my father’s death in hospice about eight years ago. I saw clearly at that time, my father’s essence move inwards, which highlighted for me the importance of understanding the dream state that we all experience and even that animals experience.

To quote the Koyote in the book: “In the afterlife, when the machine has been disconnected, what you become is the voyager. You go from dream to dream for a while, all residuals of your trip through organic existence, but you no longer have the bufer of the machine to shield you.” This connects the book with Koyote’s “Golden Flower,” where he explains that we are always in the dream. The difference here is the added explanation of the buffer of the body, also called the machine; the brain being a part of the machine.

The bringing of elements of the essence in to replace elements of the personality is as brilliant an explanation as I’ve ever heard of the nature of spiritual work and particularly the work of the Major Adept in the Western Mystery Tradition. It is always sad to watch those that use the evocations of this Grade to pursue their own prurient ends, as they make a great miss. Thanks Koyote for the clarity of mind that you bring to the world and to me personally. I am through this book, in receipt of the Aka Dua!”

You can purchase the book here:

Moon Path

The path you see in front of you is not the path the others see. We all see the same moon, but the path of light reflected in the moving, living waters touch each one of us individually.

You see a path of light leading from your feet to the moon. Your companion sees the light touching her feet, not yours. So it is for everyone. So it is with the truth. It is clear, undeniable, and objective, yet unique to each one who stands in front of it.”

Tolteca 3

What Is the Etheric Double?

A reader, Rohit Agarwal, asks:

Going through golden flower book , is just simply amazing experience.

I have a question , when koyote ji , says that in etheric double , one can go anywhere on this planet. Does he says in different sense or literally it means one can roam around the entire planet just as going on world tour spending hundreds and thousands of dollars.

Asia , America , europe , all of world is it accessible same way as in organic body and all the experiences one can have at these places in organic body , one gets in etheric double. Or is there some differences in experiences of organic body travels and etheric travels. Is something of organic world experience missed in etheric travels or everything of organic is included plus more.

Please explain. It will help greatly.



Viento de Octubre responds:

Asia, America, Atlanta, the bottom of the ocean, my brother’s prison cell, falling with the rain, bouncing with dessert sand in a gust of wind, the edge of the thermosphere…

Koyote’s intensives (Diaphanous Shell, Bhakti the Future, Meditation, Aka Dua, The Dreaming, etc.) all contain the experience of such feats and tasks as he writes and talks about. While the books contain the recipe and the instructions, his personal training include the practical, tangible experience.

There are differences, some as Mary F Scott points out, and then some! The etheric body may come to be known as having its own intelligence. The process taught by Koyote of building an etheric body out of the substances already being produced by the organic body, mixing them with the genius of magick and the ancient teachings, and then training and learning how to use it well enough to transfer a piece of your consciousness into it, turning it on, and have it produce other substances—the ones required to build an astral body—all has to do with a very organic-like process of growing and evolving—all very much within the limits of nature as defined by the shaman and the alchemical magician.

The communication between the etheric body with the conscious, cognitive mind takes learning the language, training, adjusting. It is much more like Rose says, personal. No one can tell you what heat is communicated as to you, if your mind translates it as “hot” or “danger”. The communication between etheric body and organic body is instant and immediate, on the other hand. The body will seek to nurture it and protect it, and objective communication is possible. For example, heat is communicated by the etheric body to the physical body immediately; and, a party of voyagers, such as is always the case in Koyote’s intensives, encountering heat in the Dreaming or etheric waters will all tend to communicate the encounter—some as heat, some as color, some as a dangerous presence, etc.

The physical body is not usually there in all its glorious presence when voyaging in the etheric plane; it plays its own role, though, definitely, and must be trained to handle the voyage. With excellence, as Koyote teaches, the physical body is tangibly present and aware throughout. The etheric body, regardless, communicates directly what is being encountered. This communication, with practice and experience, may be mastered and fine-tuned. Even before mastery, a group of etheric and astral voyages will come back to report, not only personal experiences of objective and collective data, but also changes to the very space their physical bodies have been in—things like increased heat, a mist in the room, a crispiness in the air, the presence of an angelic breeze, time distortions, sparkles in the atmosphere, etc.…

The bodies each report what they are capable of reporting, and they each report to the same internal agency, each in their own language. The magician, the voyager, the dream yogi manages to master the language of these bodies in order to communicate instructions that lead to the manifestation of Will. In many ways, the etheric experience is, then, as tangible as the physical experience to those who have the dreaming body fully developed.

Transcend the Limits of Perception

The ultimate end of the Toltec warrior’s training is to master one’s own perception. In a sense, this is also the aim of yoga, magick, and alchemy. In all these esoteric traditions, the aspirant seeks to fine-tune their awareness to perceive and hold the consciousness of the cosmos, the supreme being.

These practitioners seek to change the way they perceive the universe. They seek to be able to see the universe from the perspective of God, and in this manner attain the knowledge of the gods. It is an act of ultimate aspiration for those who follow the path of knowledge and self-transformation.

The way to do this is to learn to transcend the limits of human perception, and identify with the perception of the infinite. To stand in the place of the supreme being and witness the beauty of creation is to become one with all, even if for a moment. The life that follows this supreme vision will be vastly different from the life of an ordinary human being, a life far beyond the limits imposed by the false beliefs and petty agreements we have allowed to cloud our vision.

–from Dreaming’s Gate: A Doorway to the Higher Dimensions