The Toltecs Were Not a Race Nor a Nation.

The word Toltec was the name given in this continent to a group, otherwise unnamed, of seekers that decided to live and work in conscious communities throughout the Mesoamerican region between what we call now North America and Central America.

They were not an empire; they were not a religion; they were not a system. They were simply a grouping of different hives that had something in common. What they had in common is that they were all working to master themselves, to master the way they acted, to master the way they perceived the world.

These Toltecs truly became masters of perception. As such, the term Toltec became synonymous with artists, with builders, with temple makers, and bringers of civilizations. Many people have confused the Toltecs with a race, with a tribe, with a country, even with a civilization. In truth, they were none of these things. They were independent, revolutionary thinkers who explored the limits and the laws of consciousness; who learned to live by their own rules; and who learned to master, first and foremost, their own perception.

Their technologies, developed over millennia, allowed the Nahuas to achieve great heights of technological and spiritual development. The Nahuas was the name the people of Mesoamerica called themselves, the people the Toltecs served and guided. The Nahuas developed many civilizations: Olmec, Mayan, Aztec, and Quiché. They witnessed the unfolding of an alchemical technology that gave them the city of gold, El Dorado, a fountain of youth, and the ability to create pyramids and sacred cities designed to transform ordinary human consciousness into god consciousness.

From The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor.

If you want to learn more about the history and achievements of the Toltecs, check out the periodical Tolteca (3 out of 9 issues currently available).

What Is a Toltec Survivor

The word Survivor in The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor is not just about me. Yes, I have survived war, exile, two massacres, death squads, shots, magical attacks, tuberculosis, and the bubonic plague. But that’s not really why the term appears in the title. It is not because I am still alive; because, while my beloved death can be evaded today, she will one day succeed. Death is the most relentless of hunters.

These teachings are of a Toltec survivor because the Tolteca in me has survived, though the world has tried to bury him with lies and cover him in the illusion of self-involved problems. The Teachings have also survived. They have survived genocide and the night of forgetfulness.

It has been five hundred years since the light of this continent, this American continent, was covered by the European invasion. The conquest and colonization tried to eliminate the cultures, the language, the religions, the way of life; and more than anything, the identity of the inhabitants of this American continent.

For over five hundred years, what we were has been obscured, covered and forgot. And yet, through this long night of five hundred years, I’ve survived. If you are reading this, that same ineffable and unexplainable something may also survive in you.

Check out my book here: The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor

For Lack of Mastery, Humanity Became Enslaved

One day, the gods came together and reflected on the power humans had over creation, and how they were growing in wisdom and knowledge under the light of fire.

These were the times before the first dawn. These were the times before the sun first appeared to light the expanse of heaven.

The fire was the companion of humans in that long, long night before the first dawn.

But the humans did not know the secrets of fire; how to light it, how to keep it, how to control it.

One day, the humans let the cold of the night to kill their fire. They were now powerless and hungry, and the cold of night was slowly erasing the future of the human beings. They were to die like the darkness before the coming of dawn.

The gods of that time knew that the age of humans was coming, and that humans were going to govern the earth as the sun will govern the heavens.

The gods conspired.

They exchanged words.

They became of one mind.

The gods decided to enslave the human race. They send to the humans the fire breather, and eater of fire.

She who forges fire in her womb came to men, with a message from the gods.

She told them to open their bodies, at the solar plexus, and take their hearts out. To offer their hearts to the gods, in exchange for fire.

For as long as they open their bodies, and offer their hearts to the gods, the humans will have fire.

The tribes of men agreed, because they were cold, hungry, and afraid.

This was the beginning of the Slave Gods, and the demand for sacrifice.

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Letters from a Thief

Eduardo Galeano, the famous South American journalist who wrote The Open Veins of Latin America, was rumored to have a treasure hidden in his home. Inevitably, a thief came to his house one day and, finding an ancient looking chest, took it with him. Hoping to find gold or jewels, the thief opened the trunk once he took it to a safe place, only to find it filled with personal letters. They were all the love letters Eduardo Galeano had received during his long life.

Galeano, of course, was sad. They were vignettes of a life lived with passion and love. The thief, recognizing the value the letters had, a value worthy only to Galeano and to no one else, decided to return them. However, he did not return them all at once. He sent one each week.

Each Thursday, Eduardo Galeano waited with a heart full of anticipation for the mailman, who knowing the story would have the letter of the week in his hand already, waiving it happily for Galeano who ran to receive this missive of love.

Of course, nothing was being returned to Galeano that he did not already have, but the fact that he was getting what he thought lost, and that it was coming to him in such a fashion led him to receive the letters and read them again with such love and enthusiasm that they created in him something beyond what he had lived.


They and We: dedicated to the native resistance, and the people of Cuzcatlan

They took our lands.
We give our fruits.

They took our language.
We give our poems.

They denied our gods.
We give our prayers.

They changed our names.
We gather under The Tree.

They took our water.
We give our thirst.

They tortured us.
With our tears we clean the soul.

They massacred us.
Our blood feeds the future.

They buried us deep,
but we are seeds.

They erased our memories.
We remember the coming of the New Sun.

–Koyote the Blind

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We Are the Prehistory of the Human Being

Having a human body and a human nervous system, we share on the collective karma of humanity. All humanity shares one mind, and this mind has done all the things humanity has done. Sometimes, we can remember having inhabited the beings performing all things. We have been killers and have been killed. And that’s such a minute part of what is possible.

We are babes in a cosmic womb. We haven’t been born yet. We are not real yet. We are here in this egg we call planetary existence and one day we will hatch, grow wings, and take the cosmic flight in wings of cosmic radiance. One day, we will become true human beings, sharing on the cosmic awareness of the eternal.

Right now, we are not done with your evolution. Right now, we are not yet complete human beings. This is still the sixth day of biblical creation. The human being is being created in the image of Ometeotl, the supreme entity. We are not real human beings yet. We are the prehistory of the Human Being.

We are the remote past of Hueman, the Nahual in human mold, Old Grandfather, the Avatar of the Absolute.

Click here to check out my upcoming book: Teachings of a Toltec Survivor.

Slavery has not ended, and we are being fleeced.

The institution of slavery has not ended yet. It has always been part of our civilization. The institution of slavery as it existed at a particular time here in America is not legal anymore, but that’s an instantiation. Slavery, the forceful use of people for labor, continues. It’s just changed from physical chains to psychological chains. It affects almost everyone. In order to participate in this society, you are forced to conform to certain things. By labor, I don’t just mean that you have to find a job and go to work. I mean that you have to produce, in your body, certain substances that are created by negative emotions and secreted from the pores and glands. In addition, your body is made to transmit signals to each other to create these substances. These signals are communicated through the masses by facial expressions, speech, and lately through memes and short thoughts and phrases. We are made to mass produce a limited number of reactions of anger, frustration, and mockery—all for the benefit, not of you, but of the Great Magician. I’m not just talking about socially negative emotions; what you would call “hope,” “love,” and anything else that is automatically produced in you—adrenaline, anxiety, fear—all these are called negative emotions.

If you begin to look at your education, and how we went from a moment from high anxiety before tests to the relief of anxiety after the test, only to come back to more anxiety, then you will notice that the higher you go up in your profession, the more you continue with that, fear–anxiety release–fear, over and over until your whole being is a machine to manufacture that state. What does the Great Magician get from that? Power, energy, control over the masses. At this point, the Great Magician is not interested in controlling the individual. If you set up a small shop selling vacuum cleaners, you will want to go door to door. But if you have a product like Coca Cola, you don’t sell to a person—you sell to demographics. “We have young, African American males.” “We have old second- and third-generation Latinos. How do we get new ones?” The Magician is thinking bigger than that, and not of countries anymore, but of corporations.

The fleece of the sheep the Great Magician is whatever makes up your identity, your emotions, and the output of your machines: the adrenaline, fear, and paranoia prevalent in society. A few can escape, because the Great Magician doesn’t even want to control small groups. He is not interested in the few black sheep. If you create a liberating movement with several million people trying to be free, he will crush it down. Either he will introduce something seemingly innocuous that will end up diluting the essence of the movement, or he will give you drugs or sex or something to weaken you; and if that doesn’t work, he will come down on you with strength.

What are the consequences of liberation? You are free from the support of the Great Magician as well, so when you free yourself, you find yourself in the jungle, and there are other dangers out there. Therefore, you have to become a warrior, and you have to become a hunter of power, and you have to know that death can come at any moment.

(Excerpt from Teachings of a Toltec Survivor)

Ancient Esoteric Schools Hiding in Plain View

Now, esoteric schools were not places where you went to receive teachings. They meant school as in school of fish. A common image for them was a beehive. They were a community of workers. Everywhere they went, they would hide in plain view, so that externally they seemed like everyone else; but internally, the esoteric knowledge was being transmitted. They no longer had a city. After Ce Acatl, the Toltecs became perennial strangers in a strange land. When the Christians came, the Toltecs were already adepts at hiding. Why? Maybe it started from trying to hide from Tezcatlipoca. Maybe they were following an ancient law that says the esoteric can only come up for a portion of time and then must go back into hiding. Maybe the format of the sacred temple of antiquity had to do with the sacred architecture that is capable of bringing in higher consciousness, much like the scent of a flower brings the beehive; and this architecture was used in the building of a city, the formation of an esoteric school, the training of a body and a mind, and even the mandate of a culture to blend in order to survive a long night of centuries of darkness. In all cases, an esoteric inner circle had to be maintained and hidden behind the layers of an internal culture and an outward layer that can survive in the culture they reside. In this way, the Toltecs passed the sacred knowledge on.

Read more on my upcoming book: Teachings of a Toltec Survivor

The rise and falls of Humpty Dumpty

A few millennia ago a community of groups formed in Mesoamerica, close to what is now Mexico City. As you know, many spiritual groups are small; some are very big. Think of moments in history when a lot of these small groups cannot operate because they are under totalitarian regimes, or because religious extremism prevails. Many of these groups sought to find a place where they could practice their spiritual craft and where they could do their group work without being threatened. There were so many empires everywhere in those days. Europe witnessed the rise of Egypt, Greece, Mesopotamia, and Rome. Asia saw the chinese dynasties and the Mongolian conquest. In America, the Incas, the Aztecs, and so many others wanted to do that as well, as if everyone remembered a period of one world government broken into pieces—like Humpty Dumpty—when knowledge was lost.

There are priestesses and priests who have pieces of that lost knowledge. While this big mass of humanity is trying to build empires, conquer, create trade, create technology, there are smaller groups who also remember what it was like and do not want it to be that way again. They do not want magic to be dominated by the aristocrats. A bunch of those little groups once upon a time made a trip to Teotihuacán, a place in the middle of a vast desert. No one was interested in that area, so they thought they would be left alone for a long time. This move was similar to what the Tibetans did by settling in the mountains.

After the Toltecs had been gone from Teotihuacán for two centuries, the Aztecs migrated from the North and discovered it. Mostly from Apache descent, these warriors came down Mexico following a vision. They were looking for an eagle eating a snake on top of a cactus, and they found it in an island in the middle of lake Texcoco. They built their city, there, in the middle of the lake. When the Spaniards marching with the conqueror, Hernan Cortez, saw the Aztec city of Tenochtitlán, one of his soldiers wrote that nowhere in Europe had he seen any city as magnificent as the Aztec city of Tenochtitlán. Nonetheless, as magnificent as Tenochtitlán was in the eyes of the Spaniards, the impact Teotihuacán had on the Aztecs was even more profound. After they had settled their capital in lake Texcoco, the Aztecs proceeded to establish and expand their empire. In their explorations of the region, they found the ruins left by the Toltecs in the middle of the dessert valley. The ruins were so magnificent that the Aztecs, not knowing who had built them, knew that they were not built for ordinary humans. This city had to be birthplace of gods. Thus, it was called Teotihuacán, or the city where gods are born.

Read more in the upcoming Teachings of a Toltec Survivor

Of the Inca and the Toltec

A reader asks: What is the difference between the Toltec and the Inca?

The Inca, ruling from the Andes of Peru, tend to be more isolationist. It reminds me of the Tibetan in many ways, up in the heights of the world, protected from all other influences, they grow strong for millennia. Their social hierarchy was unavailable, and the emperor was considered a god on earth. Their ruling class was a different race than the indigenous population. In fact, the ruling elite was white and of Semitic overtones. Incestuous, like the ruling families of early egypt and medieval Europe, their genetic pool deteriorated over time, but were able to maintain hegemony in their control of the population for thousands of years. On the fringe of their rule, the Amazon shamans were practicing old rituals dedicated to the spirits of the jungle more in touch with the prehistory of humanity than with the advancement of civilization. In this, too, the similarity with Tibetan history is striking. The highly sophisticated spiritual technology of the Lamas shared the land with the tantric practices of the rugged shamans who existed in the mountains long before the development of Buddhism and the Vedantic philosophies. In modern times, the shamans of Perú combine the uses of rapé and ayahuasca of the jungle with some of the cultural icons of the Inca, and mix more and more with the trappings of Catholicism and Judaism as they seek to attract tourists.

The Toltec on the other hand, were not the ruling class of their people. Originally, the Toltec were the esoteric schools of the Nahuas, the people of Mexico and Central America, not their ruling class. They were eclectic and world oriented, mixing the technologies dispersed all over the world. They were more interested in the spiritual attainment than the ruling. That said, there were times when they were sought to rule, to advice, or to maintain civilization. Their identity, however, was always with humanity as a whole. The two civilizations, the Nahua and the Inca, differed essentially in that the former was open and eclectic, and the latter closed and hierarchical. The Toltec would bring people from Mongolia, Japan, Egypt, and Europe. Their techniques were the accomplishment of Alchemy, magick, and the initiatory schools of the West. Their shamanism was of the desert and the volcano.

Both civilizations, however, did commerce and learned from each other over the centuries. The pyramids of Teotihuacan made strong use of Mica, a mineral they would obtain 3,000 miles south, from the jungles of the Amazon. In Central America, El Salvador to be precise, both civilizations maintained their borders. It was in that border that my people grew and learned.