Can Your World Survive the Times to Come?

What planet can survive the core of a star?

Imagine a planet made of solid brass or lead, heavy and strong, in it’s immovable orbit towards the sun. At first, before it enters the limits of Pluto, this planet will be cold, frozen, heavy, strong. It would be the hardest thing that you would ever see.

As it begins to come closer to the Sun, it begins to reflect the light of the Sun shining bright as if it were made of gold––but it’s not. It is just solid metal, still cold, but as it gets closer and closer by the time it passes Venus and Mercury it begins to heat up. It is still solid, but hot.

There will be a moment when one side is hot and one side is cold, and then there will be another moment when all of it is lit with heat. And then, that planet that was once so solid, as it enters the threshold of the sphere of the Sun, it begins to liquify. What was once solid is now liquid, and then it becomes gaseous, and then it’s completely gone.

Now there is no more planet. It’s just the sun, exactly as it was before.

So it is with the birth of this new consciousness that the human being is trying to birth. All the old worlds are melting away. They’re all gone. And if your identity and your sense of safety is placed on any old world, it will melt. Only by aligning your awareness to the awareness of the New Sun can you forge a new identity; only then can you forge the type of consciousness that can carry such an awareness, and you become a little bit like that Sun dying and birthing at the same time––not in the Christian sense where you die to the world to be reborn later. It’s more like the star who is, or like a flame who at the same time that it is alive and illuminated, it is also consuming itself.

That is what the Sun is doing. It is consuming itself, and giving itself to all around. Align your consciousness to the reality of the New Sun and then you will be as a reflection of this New Sun: evernew, everdying and of irrevocable intent.

Lightning in My Head

In the midst of a massacre, we were laying down at Hell’s gate, waiting for death.

Looking up, I saw a peaceful blue sky far above us. My ankle was throbbing from a shot wound, right where an asp had bit me in a dream days earlier.

Like lightning inside the head, the realization that all states are already in me struck.

This bolt of light showed me the opening across the dream beyond which lies the path of mastery of perception.

A Note to the Person who Said It’s not a Big Deal to be Told to Go Back Where you Came From.

People like me are told those hateful words all the time. They are meant to make you feel less, and to get others to bully you. They are meant to make feel out of place, like your contribution doesn’t count, and like you will never be welcome in your own land.

It is a racist move precisely because of that intent. Yes, we all learn to live with it, to ignore it, and to continue being decent human beings.

Nonetheless, it hurts.

It hurts to see it being done to your children and the people you love. It’s easy for you to say “so what? Get over it. It’s not a big deal”

Ah! The callousness of the privileged! How well you mask your racism under a pretense of emotional equanimity! Those of us who have experienced over and over, however, can see the truth behind your pretend wisdom. You are not above the fray. You are the instigator.

Sharing my Inner Space/ 32 years of Art (a book review)

I have read Martivón Galindo’s Sharing My Inner Space, and I realize now that with every painting and every poem she has been marking a special space in the journey that so many of us undertook back in the 80’s, when the Salvadoran diaspora uprooted us from the place where we wanted to live, love, die, and create. We left because we had to, away from decades of war and oppression, and everywhere we went we kept looking hard inside the most recondite corners of the heart for that something we brought with us, to make a life and create art, and to find ourselves even in places that forever made us feel strangers.

In this book, Martivón gifts us with a tremendous experience through the use of poetry, print, and painting. It is a powerful storm that penetrates your consciousness under the command of an accomplished artist who has dived into the depths of her soul, and confronting the turbulent history of war, exile, emerges in ultimate triumph a master of her perceptions. She takes us through her encounter with exile, an event that shaped an entire generation of Salvadorans, but she does more than make us look at the world, she takes us with her as the seed of her soul emerges from that encounter triumphant, and continues to create and define her artistic world.

Martivón is not content with showing us her skill and creativity. She shares with us that most intimate process of her genius: the process she has gone through as she discovers her true self. We witness this discovery when she manages to put in word and image the creative powers of a soul that is always seeking justice and always burning bright with the wild fire of truth.

Porque lo invisible es el misterio
encerrado en la lágrima de una estrella
Ayer como hace treinta años
busco lo que no está
para encontrar mi luz
mi propia sombra
en el invisible gran universo de lo posible––Martivon (pg. 160)

Every great artist has an inner process through which her silent, intimate center faces the vast expanse of the unknown, and every one of them produce art that touches in us that most intimate abode. Their art awakens somehow our own truth. Martivón’s art does that for us, of course, but she takes a step further. Sharing My Inner Space is a living document showing that invisible inner process through which her genius emerges.

Witnessing this book is a most enjoyable experience. I promise you, the core of your perception will be touched by it, and you will find yourself on a journey through your own inner space. I recommend this book unreservedly.

The Rage of Fascism is the Whisper of a Dying World.

Don’t be afraid of the rise of fascism. Bring stability into your heart. Know the truth for yourself. Look around and see how many people actually are moving away from bigotry and racism. See how many or us are really, really thirsty for justice and equality. 

How many of us truly can see in each others eyes and see something divine? If you are one of us, know we are going to be okay. The way we conceive the world is how we are shaping it. We are dreaming the new world together. 

They have loud voices, and they want you to panic. They are giving a message of fear, so they make it seem like a loud roar, but that’s all there is. Here, in your heart, know that death is all around us and that that is no reason to panic. We still have this life, and in this life we get to create, write, speak, etch, mold and share a moment with one another, and we get to practice the truth that is in the heart, no matter what the patriots and the fanatics and the fearful say. They will not win. 

So, welcome the foreigner into your home. Welcome your brother and sister. Open your heart to all manners of religious expressions, to all manner of sexual identity. Open your heart to humanity. The hatred is waning. 

There is still work to do, but we have to go through this moment. It’s not that the world is getting worse. We are simply getting to the limits of what we can tolerate. We are seeing the forces we won’t tolerate trying to go back to the “glories” of racist policies, to the “great times” of segregation and the Middle Ages. understand that they are freaking out. The world as they thought it was is shaking. Their world feels unstable and they are panicking. This is why they are acting the way they are acting. Their world is dying. 

After all the wars and all the oppression and all the racism, we who have been alive in this continent for the past 500 years, know that we are awakening and we see the new world. We have seen it. Now remain calm––steady. Let them scream and rage. Their rage is the dying whisper of the old world. We are bringing the new. Keep your heart steady and loving. When you see the door, it is with that calm efficiency that we will walk through it.

Know that You’re Surrounded by Mystery

The Dreaming is a Beast, and it speaks to you. It moves for you. Watch it carefully with all your attention in the moment. Don’t assume that you already know what’s happening.

When you already know what’s happening, you have already gone to sleep.

Know that you are surrounded by mystery. Know that death is hunting you. Know that behind you is a dark abyss of the unknown and that this may be your last moment.

Put all you have into this. That’s how you engage with the dreaming: as if this is your last moment; not as something that you will get later; not as something trivial.

There are no trivial moments for the warrior.

The Weapons of Humanity (pt. 4: The Coin)

The coin is what has been perverted the most, hacked to make our understanding obfuscated and our power unseen. We have been duped with respect to the coin.

The coin of the tarot is the wealth of the world. It is the hidden gem, the hidden secret that awakens the power of the heart. It is the transformed soul, and its radiance the richness of the world.

We have been lied to, however. We have been told that the true coin is this thing that passes for money. Money, paper money, electronic money–it’s a false thing that is used instead of real wealth. The belief that we have put on it makes us believe that the true wealth is there, and that currency is the real coin. That is not the real coin. It’s a fake program. It’s a program that has been introduced into our consciousness through the artifice of civilization.

The whole civilization has been an expansion pack in the evolutionary program we are playing in this virtual reality world called Earth. And the coin was introduced as a form of exchange and of creation. Basically, it has become the code for the ability to upgrade your experience. We can use the currency to put walls around us and to make our house bigger or prettier; to change the quality of the food you eat; to change this table for another one. That’s the magic that is channeled through the coin–and currency is a visible, exchangeable token of the power of the true coin.

Now, the coin is something that is free to everyone. It is inherent in being human. Ah! But this idea is anathema to everyone in modernity. “That won’t work,” they say. “You have to have a limit; and you have to accumulate it and work for it, fight for it, kill for it, destroy populations for it, and to hoard it.”

But what if the true coin is the transformed heart resplandecent with the light of creation? And what if we all have access to it and not just humans but all my relations–that is to say, All Beings Everywhere? All beings everywhere have the supreme consciousness of the universe shining its golden light from within, and all have the right to exist and the right to use the resources of the planet. In fact, we all have the right to exist and use the resources not just in this planet, but anywhere in the cosmos. To see this and know this comes with knowing the coin within, and to hold this true coin is the future of humanity.

Click here to purchase The Golden Flower in Amazon

The Weapons of Humanity (pt. 2: The Wand)

The weapons of magick are inherent to the human being. This means that to every human person–be it male, female, child, queer, transgender or otherwise–belongs the wand. The wand gives direction to the will, and holds the power to create.

You have the power and the right to touch this world from any point where you operate and transform it, and create, and express. This power does not belong only to the pentagon or to the Kremlin. It does not belong to the armies and the soldiers. The wand is not a conventional weapon, and not only those who have guns can wield it.

It is the power of creation. It is the direct gift of Shiva, and you hold it like a lighting bolt; which means that you have the right and power to create your world, to do your Will on this earth as an expression of the will of God; and as the Book of the Law says, “no other shall say nay.”

These institutions of religion and politics we have created are taking it away from everyone else, with the pretext that they own the rights and means of creation. They keep populations ignorant of who they really are. They are keeping us from exercising our own abilities to grow in the exuberance of our spirit. They are keeping us hungry. They are keeping us sick and diseased with poisoned food, weakening drinks, and poisonous ideals.

The institutions we created to administer our power are keeping the majority of the people enslaved without power. Making us believe that the only way to subsist is to sell ourselves in slavery, and that we have to obey those who have the weapons, and the batons, and the tanks, and the holy books.

They make us believe that we are powerless, that we don’t have the wand; but the wand belongs to everyone. Which means that the power to create and destroy belongs to the people. Not to the armies, not to the politicians, not to the president.

The power of the wand is directed first with your libido. Liberate it. Own it. It is behind your creativity, your freedom of expression, and ultimately, it directs the manifestation of your pure divine will in this incarnation.

Click here for a short related talk on the esoteric meaning of the serpent and the eagle.

What Is a Toltec Survivor

The word Survivor in The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor is not just about me. Yes, I have survived war, exile, two massacres, death squads, shots, magical attacks, tuberculosis, and the bubonic plague. But that’s not really why the term appears in the title. It is not because I am still alive; because, while my beloved death can be evaded today, she will one day succeed. Death is the most relentless of hunters.

These teachings are of a Toltec survivor because the Tolteca in me has survived, though the world has tried to bury him with lies and cover him in the illusion of self-involved problems. The Teachings have also survived. They have survived genocide and the night of forgetfulness.

It has been five hundred years since the light of this continent, this American continent, was covered by the European invasion. The conquest and colonization tried to eliminate the cultures, the language, the religions, the way of life; and more than anything, the identity of the inhabitants of this American continent.

For over five hundred years, what we were has been obscured, covered and forgot. And yet, through this long night of five hundred years, I’ve survived. If you are reading this, that same ineffable and unexplainable something may also survive in you.

Check out my book here: The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor