Beyond the Allurement of your Gods

I am a magician,

I am a brujo

I am a Nahual,

And I know.

I know the power that is here.

I know the power that was here.

The power that exists in the land,

in the mountains,

in the ocean,

in the depth of the starry sky.

I know the consciousness

that stares at us.

I know of the whisper of consciousness

when consciousness begins to dissolve

I know the silent voice of conscience

when I no longer hear myself.

I have dealings with things of power and beauty.

I am beyond the allurement

of your gods.

I am beyond the fears

mongered by your loud mouthed preachers

hiding behind the screens of your television sets.

I know what the people here used to know.

I have seen the beings of power

that have touched the consciousness of the human being.

Bringing knowledge, power, and love

generation after generation…

I know this so well that I do not resent

what your institutions and governments have done…


I see the emptiness of your altars,

of your cold ivory hearts.

To you, the cathedral of Notre Dame is more important

than the Gulf of Mexico

and the mountain ranges of the Sierra Madre.

The pollution of the river, and burning of the Amazon forest

means nothing to you.

But your Parisian cathedral filled with Mexican gold-

that you want to save.

I don’t resent that.

I only see how empty your world is,

because you have not known the beauty and the power

that is the wilderness of this continent.

(Season Cole’s poetically curated notes from a lecture by Koyote the Blind.)

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